The shape of a tissue box at Lawyer Tajir's house, the price is the same as Marshel's socks for a truck

Marshel Widianto is curious about the prices of various knick-knacks at the house of the wealthy lawyer Twisted Ina Rachman. When he found out the price of the furniture was Rp. 3 billion, Marshel was confused about the price of the tissue box. Ina then gave an answer that made Marshel gape. Check out the reviews below.

Ini dia kotak tisue yang membuat Marshel penasaran hingga menanyakan harganya. Tak disangka bila Ina memberikan jawaban yang membuat Marshel melongo.

This is the tissue box that made Marshel curious and asked the price. Unexpectedly, Ina gave an answer that made Marshel gape.

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