The son of the Romanian legend Jika Hadji made Antonio Rüdiger laugh (VIDEO)

Синът на румънската легенда Джика Хаджи направи Антонио Рюдигер за смях (ВИДЕО) ) Photo: Getty Images


Nine minutes after the start of the match Germany – Romania from the world qualifiers in Group J, the son of the legendary Jika Hadji made fun of one of the best defenders in the world at the moment – Anto nio Rüdiger!

The 22-year-old Glasgow Rangers player Yannis Hadji entered the Bundesliga penalty area and with a very spectacular feint slipped the ball between the legs of the Chelsea defender, and then with his left foot left no chances for Barcelona goalkeeper Mark-Andre ter Stegen and brought Romania ahead in the result.

Hagi hitting Rudiger with a step over nutmeg before scoring

pic.twitter. com / b0DhT14ZRO

– Pena Cartel (@PenaCartel) October 8, 2021


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    Синът на румънската легенда Джика Хаджи направи Антонио Рюдигер за смях (ВИДЕО)Синът на румънската легенда Джика Хаджи направи Антонио Рюдигер за смях (ВИДЕО) The match is of great importance for the final standings in the group, as the first and the second in the standings face each other.Before this match, Hansi Flick’s team is the leader with 15 points and the Romanians have five less. Content made on Kapwing )

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