The stewardess answered the most frequently asked questions about her profession

American Airlines flight attendant Kat Kamalani, who became famous on social media for her stories about her profession, answered the most frequently asked questions about her work. She told about this in her TikTok – account.

According to the flight attendant, one of the advantages of her activity is covering the costs of flights, accommodation in hotels between flights, airport transfers and meals. “Fortunately, I have wonderful and understanding loved ones who support me,” she added. lack of a stable schedule.

Earlier in September, a flight attendant listed things for a comfortable plane trip. First of all, the flight attendant advised to have a small bag with a lock with a transparent window, from which it would be convenient to get the necessary documents. Secondly, she recommended taking square cloth bags with you, where you can put dirty clothes and shoes separately from clean clothes.

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