When we believe it will be good, it really will be – a story that brings important life lessons! About prayer, faith and fulfillment of desires

Sometimes in life we ​​think that our problems are big, not thinking that maybe we just need to change our perspective. We give up even before we say our wishes out loud, and we just need to believe and realize that we can realize our wishes and hopes. One story says just that:

A woman came to church. She bought a few candles, put them on icons and prayed for her family. She has only one candle left. She just wanted to set it on fire near her icon, which she considered protective, and to pray to God to fulfill her plans. She lit a candle, but went out immediately. She lit it again, some black smoke formed, and the candle went out again. The woman persistently tried to light it, leaning on the flames of other lighted candles. But the result was the same. The candle did not burn stubbornly.

The woman was upset. She sat on the bench at the entrance with a candle in her hand and cried, thinking: “God made me realize that I am asking too much. I did something that God does not want to hear my prayers and supplications. Once black smoke has formed, it means that a black line has begun in my life. ”

() The priest passes by her and I asked her why she was crying. The woman told him her story and began to lament again that God no longer loves and hears her. Her father held her candle in his hand, looked carefully and said: “You just bought a faulty candle. Look, it only has a small piece of wick instead of a wick, so it doesn’t burn. Go take another candle and pray with joy and hope in your heart. ”

This story is very simple, but it tells us important life lessons. One of them is that we never give up ahead of time. We often give up too soon, even if we haven’t taken a step. When we believe that it will be good, it really will be.

The second lesson from the story is that we do not consider a mistake to be the final outcome. You stumbled, made a mistake, got a negative reaction, but it doesn’t have to be a final failure. It is better to treat every challenge as a lesson. The third lesson is to look at your problems more closely – instead of focusing on the problem, focus on the solution.

) Note: This article has been indexed to our site. We do not claim legitimacy, ownership or copyright of any of the content above. To see the article at original source Click Here

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