The story of Raphael of Manisa like a movie

INTELLIGENCE SERVICE Raphael Esrail, who was born in Manisa and immigrated to France with his family, met the Nazi persecution at the age of 19. He saved hundreds of lives by bringing Jews to France with fake passports. He was captured by the Gestapo and sent to Auschwitz Camp. He was able to regain his freedom after the defeat of the Nazis in 1945. A story reminiscent of the movie ‘Schindler’s List’ remained from Esrael, who died at the age of 97.


Sephardic Jew Raphael Esrail was born as the children of Isaac from the Esrail Family from Manisa and Ester from the Arditti Family from Izmir. Ester’s family lived in Urla, Izmir, in a large mansion that is used as the town hall today. When the calendars showed May 10, 1925, Isaac and Esther’s son Raphael was born in their farmhouse in Manisa. Isaac had wanted to immigrate to France for a while. In 1926 he immigrated to Lyon with his wife Esther and son Raphael. He entrusted his lands in Manisa to the remaining members of the family.


Pinar Guide, who works as a lecturer at Sorbonne University and is the French correspondent for the newspaper Şalom, talked about Raphael Esrail’s future life as follows:

“Raphael Esrail starts attending Lyon Central School in 1943 and joins the resistance movement against the Nazis. Together with their friends, they are issuing false identity papers to save the Jews. On January 8, 1944, Raphael Esrael leaves school and goes to the place where they forged identity papers. Instead of his friends, he finds two uniformed people in front of him. Later, 3 more people in plain clothes arrive there. These are the members of the Gestapo.



The ID on Raphael when he was caught says Raoul – Paul Cabanel . However, he actually has Turkish citizenship. Because his father, Isaac, never gave up his Turkish citizenship. His father went to the Turkish Consulate in Marseille every year and renewed his documents. When Raphael was caught, he believed that his family’s Turkish citizenship would protect him. Theoretically, Turkish Jews could not be stopped or detained.


The Gestapo takes Raphael Esrael by train from Lyon to Camp Drancy in the suburbs of Paris. Here Raphael meets Rene Badour and Hendi Badour. The sister of these young people is Liliane. Raphael falls in love with her at first sight. Liliane asks her to keep an eye on her brothers. Raphael asks her permission to kiss Liliane, but Liliane replies, ‘Not now, when you arrive’. They are then taken to the Auschwitz and Birkenau camps, walking for days without food or water, in what is called the ‘death march’. Raphael attempts to escape from the camp many times, but without success.



Raphael Esrail He has published his life story and his experiences in Auschwitz Camp under the title “Hope for a kiss”. On the cover of the book, he put a photograph of his wife, whom he met in prison and said “I lived in the hope of a kiss”. The photo was taken while visiting Auschwitz Camp with his wife in 1981. The book was on the bestseller list in France for a while.


On May 1, 1945, when the war ended and the camps were evacuated, Raphael also gained his freedom and Liliane Badour wonders if she’s alive or back home. For this, he writes a letter to the national resistance and patriotic federation. A few days later, Liliane replies to her letter, inviting him to Biarritz. Raphael returns to Lyon on May 26, 1945 and is reunited with his family. They married Liliane in 1948. Raphael starts working for the French Gas Department in 1949. His father, Isaac, died in 1951, and his mother, Ester, a few years later.



Raphael 1980 After retiring in 1981, he visited Auschwitz Camp for the last time with his wife in 1981. He founded the Auschwitz League of Exiles in France and served as its long-term president. His wife, Liliane, passed away on May 1, 2020. The previous night, 97-year-old Raphael Esrael died. His funeral will be held in the city of Biarritz next week.


Raphael Esrail’s mother Estelle Arditti was born in Urla, Izmir in 1888. His family was prominent in the region. The family, which had many investments during the Ottoman period, had the Arditti Mansion built in Urla. Estelle Arditti also lived in this mansion. The mansion was later bought by the municipality. It was used as the Monopoly Building in the 1960s. However, a large part of it was burned in a fire in 2013. The mansion, which was in ruins, was restored by the Municipality of Urla. The mansion is currently used as the guest house and meeting hall of Urla Municipality.

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