The Teen Moms (And Some Familiar Faces) Are Having A Girls’ Night In

Teen Moms Amber, Catelynn, Cheyenne and Maci are having girls night in every week. The at-home activity: reacting to unforgettable Teen Mom 2 moments because, after all, they can relate to the joys and struggles that come with being young parents.

In a sneak peek of Teen Mom: Girls’ Night In, premiering tonight right after the debut of Teen Mom: Family Reunion, the MTV mamas and some familiar faces (plus plenty of late-night snacks) are reliving Ashley’s first scene on TM2 after appearing on Young and Pregnant.

“Their daughter is the perfect mixture of them,” Maci comments about Ashley and Bar’s little girl Holly. “Every time I look at her, I’m like, ‘I see Bar; I see Ashley.'”

Bar’s face tattoos are the next topic of conversation in the McKinney household. Maci believes her hubby wouldn’t opt for ink on his visage, but how does Taylor respond? And how many tattoos do Amber and Gary have? Watch the TMOG stars in the clip above, and do not miss the series premiere of Teen Mom: Girls’ Night In tonight at 9/8c (following the debut of Teen Mom: Family Reunion).

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