The Top 5 Questions We Get about SPI Pro

SPI Pro is a paid membership community for entrepreneurs looking for a safe place to grow their businesses through the support of a network of like-minded people. We launched SPI Pro in July 2020 and have since had thousands of people apply to join, so we naturally get a lot of questions. Keep reading to learn more about SPI Pro and whether it might be a fit for you!

Here are the top five questions we get about SPI Pro:

  1. Why do I need to apply?
  2. Am I a good fit for SPI Pro?
  3. Can I join SPI Pro anytime?
  4. Is Pat active in Pro?
  5. What is the most valuable part of SPI Pro?

Why do I need to apply?

A lot of people ask us why we have an application process, and why they can’t just sign up and join the community, like they might join a Facebook group. Here’s why.

SPI Pro is for individuals who have an established business and are interested in establishing relationships with other business owners on similar paths. This results in a safe and dynamic environment where everyone feels free to have real conversations. There is no selling or soliciting to each other, and there are no spam posts.

Our application process helps us identify potential members who are ready for the level of participation offered in Pro. You don’t need to have a million followers or a six-figure business to be invited to Pro, but you should have a side hustle or full-time business that offers services or goods to an existing audience. 

Because this is a paid membership, we want to make sure the financial investment to join is in your best interest. If we don’t think you are a good fit, we don’t want to take your money. We’d rather you invest it where you will get the best return.

Am I a good fit for SPI Pro?

As mentioned above, you need to have an established business before applying to join SPI Pro. 

Beyond that, you are a good fit for Pro if you are excited to put yourself out there and to show up. We have live events, mastermind groups, challenges, forum-based conversations, and so much more, but you have to dedicate time to interacting with our team and our members to truly feel a part of it.

Do you enjoy helping other people who have questions about podcast equipment or email marketing segments (or any other topic related to running a business that you have figured out)? Are you eager to collaborate with other entrepreneurs and help each other out? Do you want to talk shop and feel less alone in the digital entrepreneur space? This is what the SPI Pro community is all about!

If you are hoping that joining will result in being handed a guidebook on success, you will be disappointed. Just like your business, you get what you put into your membership.

Another important distinction to note is where you are with your business. If you are eager to join and interact, but your business is not fully launched or you want SPI Pro members to teach you how to launch, then consider investing in a course or boot camp instead. Our paid courses and boot camps all give you access to our course community, SPI Academy, which is a better fit for someone just getting started. This is absolutely a better ROI for people with a very early-stage business or concept.

And when you are ready for it, SPI Pro will be there!

Can I join SPI Pro anytime?

We have four enrollment periods a year, which allows us to create dedicated programming and onboarding for each of our four cohorts. We’ve found this really helps new members to feel a part of the larger community more quickly. However, we know that some people are eager to join before the next enrollment begins and are okay with having less guided support when they join, so we offer a “skip the line” opportunity for accepted applicants who are ready to fully commit with an annual membership.

Is Pat active in Pro?

I’ll be blunt: If your motivation to join SPI Pro is because you want more access to Pat, you are missing the point of the community. SPI Pro is about fostering relationships with other entrepreneurs on a similar journey.

That said, the SPI Pro community is wholly aligned with the practices Pat is known for, like being of service and providing great value.

So who’s in charge? SPI Pro is run by our Community Experience (CX) team, and that’s who you will see most frequently hosting events and sparking discussions. Pat is not in the community on a regular basis, but he does host a monthly Ask Me Anything and our Challenge of the Month and he will occasionally pop in to contribute his thoughts in an active discussion.

What is the most valuable part of SPI Pro?

The members! SPI Pro is a collective of experts on a variety of topics. You can skip the days of googling to figure out why your automations aren’t working, because someone in Pro likely knows the solution. You can ask for feedback on your sales copy from people who understand digital sales rather than rely on well-meaning friends and family who don’t understand SEO. And you can join a mastermind group to take your growth further with regular meetings and accountability check-ins. 

Entrepreneurship can be lonely, but with the right community it doesn’t have to be. If you are considering launching your own community, or just want to know more about why and how we launched Pro, you can check out our free Making of a Membership Community workshop. All our paid courses and boot camps offer lifetime access to our SPI Academy community.

And if you want to learn more about SPI Pro, then go here. We can’t wait to meet you!

SPI Pro: Your Safe Place to Learn and Grow as an Entrepreneur

Inside SPI Pro, entrepreneurs like you come together to meet and support one another, get answers to burning questions, learn from experts, and more. Consider joining us!

Note: This article have been indexed to our site. We do not claim legitimacy, ownership or copyright of any of the content above. To see the article at original source Click Here

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