The union war between Moyano and Barrionuevo threatens the institutional future of the Independiente club

Ultimately it is a question of gigantic egos and not giving up any space of power in that struggle that the septuagenarian union leaders Luis Barrionuevo (79) and Hugo Moyano (77) have been sustaining for decades.

The indefinite election to elect a board of directors in the Independiente club, one of the clubs with the most experience and fans in the local football scene , seems to be a reflection of what happens in politics at the national level where an insurmountable gap between Kirchnerists and Macrists blocks any possibility of growth of third electoral positions.

In Independiente there are three candidates who have declared their intentions to lead the club that is going through a critical institutional moment due to the suspension of the elections of December 19 last.

This is Hugo Moyano, who will seek a third term after eight years leading the “red”; of Claudio Rudecindo, managing partner of REMAX Capital, endorsed by the group “Gente de Independiente” created by the club’s former president, Andrés Ducantenzeiler; and the journalist Fabián Doman who broke in at the last moment with the permission of Luis Barrionuevo .

The intervention of Justice was due to the appeal filed by the Independent Unit, headed by Doman, to postpone the elections on December 19, an objective that the former television host achieved while waiting for the magistrates of Lomas de Zamora to enable him to participate in elections that have not yet been rescheduled.

Hugo Moyano, who will seek a third term after eight years leading the ” red”

For this reason, the members of Claudio Rudecindo’s ticket have expressed that the lack of definition could be transferred until the year 2023 while they doubt for the continuity of his candidacy given how powerful the members of the other two lists are.

Rudecindo often expresses that “there are two aircraft carriers of different colors and we are in the middle with a rowing boat”.

Precisely, the power of the other two lists, one of them awaiting the decision of the judges to be able to participate in the electoral act, is based on the intense union presence among the members of the ballots.

Furthermore, the world of politics sneaks into the assembly of the lists, generating an election that is not suitable for those who do not define themselves by one side or the other of the crack.

The fight in the background between Barrionuevo and Moyano

The stage is not the Luna Park but the Avellaneda club and, in every corner of the dispute, other “champions” of trade unionism meet willing to extend their influence beyond the union structures they represent.

On the one hand, the truck driver Hugo Moyano joined his project re-electionist to the leader of the Banking and current national deputy for the Front of All, Sergio Palazzo, who will be a candidate for Club Sports Secretary.

On the other, the gastronomic Luis Barrionuevo, operating in the shadows in the assembly of the list headed by Fabián Doman, incorporated and removed Moyano from support, the leader of the aeronautical technicians union, Ricardo Cirielli, who despite being Moyano’s owner during his first term, converted to the ranks of “Luisito” who awarded him as a candidate for second member.

The gastronomist has not only tried to unseat Moyano for a long time when he thought of the “cat” Gaudio as a candidate instead of Doman, but he has also been responsible for adding political leaders from the PRO such as Néstor Grindetti , mayor of Lanús, to the list and obtain the support of Cristian Ritondo.

Moyano added the leader of the Bank to his re-election project , Sergio Palazzo

He was the head of the PRO bench in the Chamber of Deputies who presented the brief before the courts of Lomas de Zamora to request the suspension of the elections that favored the position of Fabián Doman and Néstor Grindetti.

Ritondo, was also part of the board of directors that anointed Hugo Moyano as president of a soccer club that, at that time, July 2014, had just been promoted to the First Division of soccer in Argentina after winning a series against Huracán.

In addition, Barrionuevo secured a place on the list with a leader he trusts, Humberto Ballhorst, who has just faced and abandoned Dante Camaño in the crucial UTHGRA Capital elections, another election that will be held in court, and that assures him solid contacts in the PRO structure in the City of Buenos Aires.

The Barrionuevo “tray” conversations, before Doman’s anointing, had not only led him to try to close an agreement with the tennis player, champion of Roland Garros, Gastón Gaudio, but also with the economist Martín Redrado or sports journalist Enrique “Quique” Sacco, who decided to withdraw from a possible application after discussing it with his family and his partner, María Eugenia Vidal.

Luis Barrionuevo and Hugo Moyano, are old union enemies, willing to fight, like two duelists, in all arenas and Possible scenarios. Their power options always found them at odds. Independiente, the club they are fans of, was not going to be the exception.

Note: This article has been indexed to our site. We do not claim legitimacy, ownership or copyright of any of the content above. To see the article at original source Click Here

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