The University of Pécs is launching an investigation into the failed university exams in the Völner case

Pursuant to Article 444 of the Faculty of Law of the University of Pécs, the already arrested President of the Executive Faculty has previously taken a series of examinations.

Pál Völner, the Secretary of State in the Ministry of Justice who has since resigned, was suspected of accepting tens of millions in bribes in one of the most serious government corruption scandals in recent years. In our series of articles, you can follow the latest developments in a series of abuses related to the Hungarian Judicial Enforcement Faculty, totaling hundreds of millions.
The University of Pécs is launching an inquiry into university examinations whose purity is being called into question by the transcripts of wiretapping in the Völner case, as breaches of official ethics and the examination rules have been suspected. This was announced by Gergely Kottász, the institution’s press officer, on behalf of The university promises to inform the public of the outcome of the study once it is completed.

© MTI Photo: Ferenc Kálmándy

We contacted the University of Pécs after the 444

wrote Monday: 444 obtained the Schadl-Völner investigation file, which includes there are also notes made by the staff of the Central Investigation Prosecutor’s Office (KNYF) about the telephone conversations of György Schadl, the former chairman of the Executive Faculty. Because Schadl was under surveillance by the authorities for an extended period of time, the investigative material fattened to about 1,734 pages. The portal also provided details of wiretapped telephone conversations, which revealed that György Schadl was able to help relatives of influential government figures and bailiffs and their relatives to pass various university exams through his contacts. 444 mentions Ádám Nagy, the chief of staff of Antal Rogán, whose public office Due to his busy schedule, the helping hand in his studies at the University of Pécs (PTE) may have come in handy. It should be added, however, that the KNY connected Ádám Nagy, named in the intercepted conversations, with the chief of staff of Antal Rogán, only on the assumption that Schadl had dealt very intensively with his case in several examinations, according to the investigative material. , however, it is not clear from the recorded interceptions who requested to intervene. According to the portal, in addition to the University of Pécs, Schadl’s hand also reached the Faculty of Law of the Pázmány Péter Catholic University, where a relative of Pál Völner was able to take the exam. At the same time, the realm of large-scale exam magic was the University of Pécs, where – at least 444 Schadl, in addition to Adam the Great, was able to pass exams for more executives and their relatives. In this connection, the portal names dr. Emil Pál Mészáros teaching assistant, Prof. Dr. habil. László Kőhalmi, Head of the Department of Criminology and Penitentiary Law and dr. Béla Kovács, head of the dean’s office of the Faculty of Law, as those who helped the chief executive to “enchant”. It should be noted that Schadl himself taught at the Faculty of Law in Pécs, and Mészáros was previously his student. 444 contacted the persons concerned, of whom Adam the Great and Paul Völner were not named they did not respond to the portal’s questions, while Pál Emil Mészáros first denied that the telephone conversations in the scripts had taken place, and later, when confronted by the portal’s journalist, she said that they were friendly with György Schadl, but would only be able to respond to the scripts later. . László Kőhalmi stated to the portal that he would give any student the opportunity to fill in his missing homework until the end of the examination period. Béla Kovács stated that he was only willing to make a statement in the presence of his lawyer.

Note: This article have been indexed to our site. We do not claim legitimacy, ownership or copyright of any of the content above. To see the article at original source Click Here

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