The US requires Samsung and other chip makers to submit key information, and the South Korean industry calls on the government to oppose

On September 29, experts and analysts in the South Korean chip manufacturing industry called on the government to oppose the “improper demands” of the United States requiring Samsung and other companies to disclose key business information in order to protect local companies related to the industry. The US government’s information requirements for semiconductor companies include: semiconductor products currently being sold, products with the largest backlog of orders, attributes of each product, sales in the past month, manufacturing And the packaging location.

In addition, list the current front of each product The three major customers, and each customer’s approximate proportion of the product’s sales.

Many industry sources and experts claim that handing over these data may weaken the bargaining power of local companies and ultimately harm their presence in the global market Competitiveness.

Not long ago, the US Department of Commerce announced that it may use the Defense Production Act (DPA) to help solve the problem of the shortage of US automotive chips. If the United States does take such measures, all semiconductor companies doing business in the United States must submit specific information about their supply chain.

US Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo (Gina Raimondo) stated that if semiconductor companies cannot provide information voluntarily, they may invoke the DPA clause, which means that chip companies may be forced Submit relevant information.

The Korean chip industry generally believes that the US government’s request is an excessive intervention in the market, which is contrary to the principles advocated by the US so far, and the market should be allowed to respond to supply in accordance with its principles The problem of shortage.

For Samsung and other large semiconductor companies, the disclosure of confidential information will It exposes more weaknesses. Samsung is the world’s largest manufacturer of memory chips, second only to TSMC in the booming foundry market.

The U.S. Department of Commerce is not only seeking to obtain information from chip manufacturers that have participated in recent White House summits, but also from all participants in the industry, which will also Forcing South Korea’s SK hynix, the world’s second-largest memory chip manufacturer, to share confidential data.

The recent summit held by the White House is the third chip conference, hosted by Raymondo, from Representatives from Intel , Samsung, TSMC and General Motors attended the meeting.

The purpose of this meeting is to develop measures to alleviate the shortage of automotive chips that US automakers are experiencing. However, the specific data required by the chip manufacturer is considered highly sensitive information, and companies usually do not disclose it voluntarily.

South Korean industry experts and analysts say that the White House request should be seen as a means in a larger context that can help quantify the global semiconductor supply chain and help the United States regain it Leadership in the industry. In the past few decades, American companies have lost out to Asian companies in this field.

The United States also seeks to bring the production facilities of large companies to the United States, not only in the semiconductor industry, but also in the electric vehicle battery industry to ensure a stable supply of these products. The United States now considers these products to be a key issue related to national security.

South Korean chip industry analysts said: “The government should not do nothing. The chip industry is related to the competitiveness of the country.” Another industry insider also emphasized that due to the supply chain The confidentiality of relevant information, and the disclosure of such information will affect a company’s negotiating capabilities.

The third industry source said: “This has made many relevant companies hesitant, because leaking such information may weaken their bargaining power, and this information may also Be exposed to customers, competitors and partners. Given that the U.S. government is still uncertain about handling this issue, the South Korean government may need to stand up when necessary.”

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