5 October 2021 – 10:57
The director of the infectious disease clinic of the Policlinico San Martino di Genova comments on the vote in the main Italian cities

“The vaccinated against the anti-science parties won” . Commenting on the results of the local elections with Adnkronos Salute , Matteo Bassetti believes that the Italians have made the right choice by rejecting those who for months attacked the vaccines . “He lost – explained – who in the parties said that the variants are created by the antidote, which would kill people; those who claimed that one must be free not to get immunized were defeated, those who spoke of home care to the magician Merlin “.
Bassetti’s reading
Also during the broadcast of Radio Cusano Campus L ‘Italy woke up , Bassetti hit hard against the anti vaccinists. “The politics that went behind the plots – he added – and said the vaccines hurt took a hard beating at elections “. Bassetti hopes that now we can favor a substantial change of direction, since the voters have shown that they have clear ideas. to not believe “to those who smoothed the burden to antiscience” .
On the same wavelength is Walter Ricciardi , advisor to the Minister of Health Roberto Speranza and full professor of General and Applied Hygiene at the Catholic University of Rome . “Around the world – he wrote on Twitter – politicians who have opposed scientific evidence-based decisions to fight the pandemic are states trumpeted in elections (Trump docet), the vast majority of citizens want a serious and responsible policy when it comes to health “. The thesis supported by Bassetti, however, does not find support everywhere. In fact, a representative of the list should enter the Trieste city council No-vax 3V , which took 4%. in the past I received many insults from that world “.
The attack on politics
Then, the direct attack on politics. “It is not me who invades the party camp – pointed out the director – but the opposite occurs. On television and in newspapers I talk about Covid nothing else, while some politicians claim that the Coronavirus is treated with licorice and that vaccines kill “ . For Bassetti now we must push on the administration of the third dose to the most fragile people. The goal is to move from mass to individualized vaccination. According to experts, following this program will make it possible to ease more and more restrictions. “ You don’t go 100% to the stadium and to the cinema – concluded the infectious disease specialist – but we will go there in a few weeks. In my opinion we have already come out of the darkest period; get out completely without having any kind of restriction you have to let October and November pass. Maybe it’s worth waiting for the end of the emergency on December 31st and then you can remove the last restrictions “.
Winning is the line Europeanist
Bassetti’s reading of the vote, in any case, does not seem find many proselytes. The pollsters do not attribute any particular significance to the administrative elections, especially in view of the upcoming policies. The municipal electoral campaign took place on the territory and represents a predominantly local figure, which does not touch the major national issues . One detail, however, emerges quite clearly: rather than the line in favor of vaccines it seems that the government program and pro-European followed by those parties that have obtained more preferences. It turns out to be somewhat simplistic, therefore, to reduce the outcome of the vote to the struggle between pro vax and no vax. On this push, the government intends to move forward on the reforms urgently requested by Europe, trying to curb vetoes placed by the League and the 5 Star Movement.
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