The VAR of handball is tested in the International Tournament

The International Tournament of Spain 2022, to be played in Cuenca from Thursday to Saturday, it will serve as a pilot test to implement the ‘Video Proof System’ (VPS), the use of video as an aid to refereeing in Spanish competitions.

As reported on Tuesday by the Royal Spanish Handball Federation (RFEBM), the basis of this proposal is to take advantage of the technical deployment that the production of the television broadcast performs, exclusively needing as an added element the placement of a monitor or screen near the table of the Federative Delegate, easily and quickly accessible by the referees.

This monitor should be covered if possible with a cloth or element until the need for its use is determined by the couple of members, the only ones with the power to decide the convenience or opportunity of using lizarlo by virtue of the protocol.

In this way, it is about taking advantage of the realization of the matches that have television broadcasting. The repetitions that are available would be broadcast both by the normal television signal, as well as by the referee monitor and everything that the spectators are watching on television in the broadcast signal As a repetition of the situation, it will be what the referees are observing on the monitor, who must decide the decision they make by virtue of what they see.

The ‘Video Proof System’ may only be used in situations of goal or no goal, serious unsportsmanlike conduct or especially dangerous action produced outside the field of vision of the referees, without the ball at all medium, for doubts in disqualifications, to clarify those involved in the event of a confrontation, or in case of doubt about whether to delay or frustrate the execution of a throw or service during before the last 30 seconds of the match.

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