The voice assistant is Wendy.Wendy's of Canada made a limited edition smartphone

Wendy seems to make jokes.

At the fast food Wendy’s Canada branch, a smartphone with the image character Wendy as voice assistant

Wendy’s Phone ”has been developed.

The inside of the bright red body is an Android phone, the back side is fingerprint authentication and triple camera for taking hamburgers, the screen is 6.4 In inch HD, GPS will tell you the way to nearby Wendy’s.

For the chance to get yours, download the Wendy’s app, 💗 and screenshot your favorite Wendy’s order, then Tweet it out with #WendysPhone and #Contest . You can try again every day. Learn more about the phone here: Rules & Regs: pic

— Wendy’s 🇨🇦 (@WendysCanada) September 27, 2021

The motive for development was “ I wanted to make it ) ”, And even when asked about the weather, he answered“ Please check on the way to Wendy’s ”. Was Wendy’s such a brand?

You can’t get it unless you win by lottery

“Wendy’s Phone” is not something you can buy in the market, but you can use it on your smartphone Dedicated app Take a screenshot of “Wendy, #Wendysphone . #Contest

” with a screenshot of installing and ordering your favorite menu. You can participate in the lottery by posting with “” and two types of hashtags.

Winners will be announced every day for 20 days, but only 20 will be distributed . ..

Image :


It’s a problem that voice assistants are techto, but I think it’s okay to increase the number of assistants with various voices and personalities. increase. For example, I want you to make characters from other restaurants and burger chains, such as a white-haired grandfather and a red-haired clown.

Source: Twitter , App Store , Wendy’s via SLASH GEAR

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