The voices of the mysterious 'Northern Lights', the astonishing claim of scientists


At night in the Arctic and Norwegian countries Green and red lights travel like a wave, but some people have made astonishing claims about the waves of these lights.

Some people living in the coldest areas have claimed that they can hear the sound of lights that sound like the breaking of loud objects or thunder.

Scientists say that when sunlight particles meet with molecules in the Earth’s atmosphere, colorful light is emitted, especially at terrestrial poles. ۔ This is because the terrestrial magnetic field is very strong here and that is why lights are created.

However, scientists have heard the sounds of these lights.

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In the year 2016, Finnish scientists in a strange study said that polar lights produce sound waves that the human ear can hear. Is. A scientist involved in the research tried to record the sound emitted by light that was emanating from a height of seventy meters from the floor.

Now Exactly the same evidence has been received from northern Canada and Norway, but experts insist that the aurora and celestial lights are formed at such a high altitude that space begins to form and from there it is impossible for sound to reach the earth. Sound has been described as a delusion or sensory deception.

It is noteworthy that two important twentieth-century scientists also claimed to have heard Aurora’s voice, a He called it the sound of a light whistle, while others said that it was as if someone was spraying or bursting dry grass.

In 1923, the famous Canadian astronomer Clarence Chant also said that the Northern Lights create an earthquake in the Earth’s magnetic field. This is how the magnetic fluctuations make a squeaking or squeaking sound.


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