The winning numbers in the Lucky Ball…

16.01.2022 – 21:17Update: 16.01.2022 – 23:12

Excitement at Luck Ball continued this evening. The results, which thousands of our citizens tried their luck across the country, were announced at 20:00. Here are the results of the 16 January 2022 Lucky Ball lottery, where those who know 5+1 will be entitled to the grand prize…

The countdown has ended for the Lucky Ball lottery. The winning numbers in the Lucky Ball, where millions of our citizens tried their luck, were announced at 20:30. Here are the lucky ball lottery results of the day…


4 – 5 – 14 – 28 – 30 + 13



The rules of the renewed Lucky Ball are as follows;

There are 34 numbers in the upper part of a column and 14 in the lower part. 5 out of 34 numbers, 1 out of 14 numbers are marked.

One or more columns can be played.

Single column fee is 2 TL.

You pick!

You can create your column either with the numbers you choose or with the numbers that will be randomly selected by the system by using the Random option. For the Lucky Ball game sold at the sales points, with this feature developed for those who do not want to fill their coupons themselves, the CHOOSE YOU box under the column is checked and a lucky coupon with a random 5+1 number is formed.

System Game!

System game; Develops multiple game combinations. System game can be played by marking more than 5 numbers from the top section and/or more than 1 number from the bottom section in a column. In this case, multiple columns are created. Up to 10 numbers can be marked from the upper part and 14 numbers from the lower part.

Multiple Sweepstakes!

You can participate in more than one lottery by ticking the Multiple Sweepstakes option.


Do not play the column you have filled in. If it is abandoned, the column can be canceled by ticking the cancel box under the relevant column.

How much can you earn?

The Lucky Ball is drawn 1 day a week: on Wednesdays. In each draw, 5 numbers out of 34 numbers in the sphere and 1 number out of 14 numbers are drawn.

Each column you play is 5+1, 4+1 from the numbers in the lottery. If you guess the number 4, 3+1, 3, 2+1, 1+1 or 0+1 correctly, you will win the jackpot. Who knows 5+1 wins the Lucky Ball jackpot! If there is more than one winner in the same prize category, the prize pool is divided equally among the winners.

Note: This article have been indexed to our site. We do not claim legitimacy, ownership or copyright of any of the content above. To see the article at original source Click Here

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