The World’s First DEX Phone App Is Now Live on Android

The key to mass adoption of crypto is currently limited by the fact that most decentralized platforms are too difficult to use. There needs to be an interface to simplify complex, decentralized infrastructures and protocols for the public. An enhancement of user accessibility will break down entry barriers and take consumer experience to the next level.

In the current crypto landscape, the major accessibility problems arise from DEXs due to their complex OS and hard-to-figure UI/UX structure. The usage rate is growing at an astonishing pace, but many exchanges are struggling to tap into larger audiences new to the blockchain world.

The solution to help overcome these issues lies in taking all the benefits of a DEX and its assets and integrating them into people’s mobile phones. We live in a mobile-first world, so having an application exclusive for smartphones will increase widespread acceptance as people can leverage decentralized exchanges in a frictionless way.

Fibswap’s DEX Phone App Is Leading the Charge

The current landscape of DeFi is filled with exchanges that lack proper UI and high interoperability. As a result, users struggle to overcome the complexities of both centralized and decentralized exchanges. While DEXs do have the upper hand over CEXs with more privacy, complete ownership, and security, it involves a learning curve.

With a mobile application, users can avoid complex steps while using different service providers for a simple token swap on DEXs. This is where Fibswap is filling the gap and solving an industry-wide problem.

Fibswap, a multi-chain exchange, has developed the world’s first Android DEX application to simplify DeFi for everyone. The platform’s interface is user-friendly and will separate users from sophisticated onboarding steps.

The new DEX solution also has an integrated wallet, making the swapping process more streamlined for investors and traders. In addition, the app will give users direct access to their crypto assets.

Interoperable System of Fibswap Makes the Android App More Desirable

A mobile application will certainly be a superior choice for users when using a decentralized exchange. But will it be faster and multi-chain compatible?

Fibswap’s DEX app has a unique interoperable multi-chain bridge system (IMBS) that makes trading 99% faster and allows traders to bridge between two blockchain networks. At the press of a single button, Fibswap users can execute swaps in under 10 seconds at low fees by using its utility token, $FIBO. Also, it requires no additional technical expertise. Users can operate in the same way as they do with single-chain DEXs like Uniswap and PancakeSwap.

In terms of security, the Fibswap app provides a reliable platform that keeps users’ funds secure and removes the external vulnerability by conducting vigorous audits. So the application has got everything covered to help DeFi reach masses with zero restrictions.

Fibswap’s Flagship App Will Be a Game Changer

Fibswap’s mobile application is an extension of their current DEX  and this should increase crypto accessibility for mainstream public users. Mobile-only users can directly access their preferred blockchain network and tap into all available assets using FibSwap. As the cost of entry is significantly low compared to other exchanges, the multi-chain ecosystem is now open to all types of DeFi users.

The app will launch on Jan 4, 2022, and an IOS version will be released soon after. This could initiate a massive wave of public interest towards mobile-based DEXs, and Fibswap’s flagship app will be the one to take over.

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