The World’s First Sailor Moon-themed Illumination Event to be Held at Sagami Lake Resort Pleasure Forest

The outdoor resort complex Sagami Lake Resort Pleasure Forest, located in Sagamihara-city, Kanagawa Prefecture, will hold the world’s first illumination event inspired by the Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon Eternal films, named “Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon Illumination -Eternal-,” from November 13, 2021. It will be the main area of “Sagami Lake Illumillion,” which is certified as one of the three major illumination events in the Kanto region.

In the new area, the four-meter high “Elysion” and the huge “Legendary Silver Crystal” that changes into “Golden Crystal” depending on the time shine in the colorful illumination that spreads all over the area, inviting visitors into the world of the film. In addition to the rainbow lifts that match the colors of the ten Sailor Guardians, there are also a stained glass wall featuring the guardian star symbols and various photo spots, including the one where you can take pictures as if you were Eternal Sailor Moon.

In the main area “Crystal Tokyo,” a powerful illumination show will be held with music and lights that shine like crystals. During the period of this special collaboration, the park announcements and some of the attraction announcements will be switched to the collaboration version, and a lot of items and collaboration foods using newly drawn visuals will be available. More details on the collaboration will be announced as they become available.

The are map:

“Crystal of Love – Legendary Silver Crystal and Golden Crystal -“

“Crystal Tokyo”

“Crystal Power Make-up Spot:”

今年は劇場版「 #美少女戦士セーラームーンEternal 」とのコラボエリアが登場!

— さがみ湖リゾートプレジャーフォレスト (@sagamikoresort) October 5, 2021

“Sagami Lake Illumillion” photos:

“Sagami Lake Illumillion 2020” digest movie:

Source: Fuji Kyuko press release

©Nakoko Takeuchi, PNP/”Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon Eternal The Movie” Production Committee

Note: This article have been indexed to our site. We do not claim legitimacy, ownership or copyright of any of the content above. To see the article at original source Click Here

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