Punjab Chief Minister Charanjit Singh Channi helped a victim of the accident by stopping his convoy in Chandigarh. A bike rider was injured due to slipping. At the same time, CM Channa’s convoy was passing through Sector 36. Channi helped the young man by stopping the convoy. He also got his ambulance installed to help the injured youth. The CM himself raised the young man by supporting him with his hand and asked about his condition. Seeing everything right, CM Channi went back to his car. At present, Channi is in discussion about the lapse in PM’s security in Punjab. Hearing on this matter is also going on in the Supreme Court. Watch this video.
Punjab CM Charanjit Singh Channi helped a victim of a road accident by stopping his convoy in Chandigarh. A bike rider was injured due to slipping while CM Channi’s convoy was passing through Sector 36. CM Channi helped him get up and asked about his condition, then he went back to his car. Watch this video. ,
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