Theodorikakou's visit to the injured police officer from the incident in Vathi Square

First entry: Friday, October 8, 2021, 15:18

Επίσκεψη Θεοδωρικάκου στον τραυματία αστυνομικό από το επεισόδιο της πλατείας Βάθη

The Minister of Civil Protection, Takis Theodorikakos, visited earlier, at the 401 Military Hospital, the 28-year-old police officer of the DIAS Group, who was injured this morning in Vathi Square, when during the pursuit of a stolen car, the driver rammed his motorcycle.

The 28-year-old was slightly injured in the legs and arms, while one of the other police officers shot and injured the perpetrator, of Albanian origin , who is also being treated out of danger.

The minister wished the young policeman well and congratulated him for his reaction to the incident.

Shortly after the visit, Mr. Theodorikakos, in a post on mass media, stated:

“I visited the 401 Army The 28-year-old police officer who was injured earlier in the clash with a foreigner who tried to kill him using a stolen car. He is injured but fortunately slightly. I wished him well and congratulated him because he acted calmly, professionally and decisively. The same applies to the other three colleagues of the DIAS Group who were with him.

PS. The name of the police officer is not mentioned until his family is informed. “

Last Updated: Friday, 8 October 2021, 15:18

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