There is one truth: the question they “forgot” to ask Asi helped with a polygraph


Fights in a truth machine are rarely the way to reveal the truth. For the sake of discussion, let’s believe both. And yet, it is worth asking another, and quite important, question that did not arise in the polygraph investigation of the great talent of Keshet 12: How does Asi Ezer even know what Yehuda Nahari’s desire was?


The full photographed testimony of Yehuda Nahari before Walla! culture. The actor claimed that presenter Asi Ezer sexually harassed him when he came home for a professional meeting in 2011. Reporter: Sagi Ben Nun (Stills: Reuven Castro, Video: Shai Makhlouf, Production: Hagit Barak)

As usual, when it comes to the things that really matter, “Seinfeld” has done it before. In one of the episodes of the sixth season of the biggest sitcom in the history of television, the star of the series had to undergo a polygraph test. He approached his good friend George, and asked him for advice on how to “beat” the truth machine. George, an expert in distorting reality, revealed to him the secret: “It’s not a lie – if you believe it.” How complicated, how simple.

Indeed, Yehuda Nahari believes he was invited to Asi Ezer’s home for a professional meeting. The polygraph examination found him to be telling the truth. Yehuda Nahari believes that Assi Ezer touched his penis and told him “I am very attracted to you, look what you are causing me”. Yehuda Nahari believes he has made it clear to Assi Ezer that he is not interested. Yehuda Nahari believes that Assi Ezer revealed his penis to him twice and asked him if “it is irritating” in his eyes. The machine does not lie, Yehuda Nahari revealed his “truth” in a brave way, and contrary to his personal interests he demonstratively came out against one of the most powerful forces in the industry from which he makes a living.

Asi Ezer was also found to be telling the truth in a polygraph examination . It can not be underestimated. Asi Ezer believes that in that meeting he kissed in full agreement with Yehuda Nahari. Asi Ezer believes he did not commit any sexual act under duress in Yehuda Nahari. Asi Ezer believes that he did not reveal his penis to Yehuda Nahari against his will. One case, two conflicting versions, and both sides reveal their “truth” and successfully undergo a polygraph. How complex is life sometimes.

More in Walla!

The Encounter with Asi Ezer in “Ninja” and the Suicidal Thoughts: The Full Testimony of Yehuda Nahari

To the full article

If this is a professional meeting, as Nahari claimed in the polygraph and came out telling the truth, this is a completely different story. According to this version, a novice and fairly anonymous actor came to the home of one of the strongest and most connected people in the industry in order to participate in a series that will be broadcast on the channel watched in Israel. In this case, the balance of power

Ironically, fights in a truth machine are rarely the way to reveal the truth. For the sake of discussion, let’s believe both. Nevertheless, both sides successfully passed the polygraph test. And yet, it is worth asking another, and quite important, question that did not arise in the polygraph investigation of the great talent of Keshet 12: How does Asi Ezer even know what Yehuda Nahari’s wish was? Is it possible that Asi revealed his organ (as Yehuda claimed, and Asi does not deny in his answer to the polygraph) and believed that it was not done against his will, even though Yehuda did not want it?

also, Very conveniently, Asi was not asked in his polygraph examination about the nature of the meeting between them. Why actually? If it is a friendly meeting as Assi claimed in his initial response, then the fact that events of a sexual nature took place in his private home are a legitimate matter. We may not all agree with Asi Ezer’s strange courtship method, which simply pulls out his penis as a sort of secret initiation ceremony in front of a potential sexual partner. And yet, if it was done as part of a meeting of such a nature, which had already ignited a mutual kiss, it may be accepted that from his side, Asi believed that it was not something done “against the will” of the suitor.

On the other hand, if it is a professional meeting, as Nahari claimed in the polygraph and came out telling the truth, it is a completely different story. According to this version, a novice and fairly anonymous player arrived at one’s home The strongest and most connected people in the industry in order to participate in a series that will be broadcast on the channel watched in Israel. In this case, the balance of power is too distorted to measure the story with the tools of “consent” . It was the method of Hanan Goldblatt, it was the method of Harvey Weinstein, it was the method of many other powerful people (including in the previous incarnation of “Arc 12”, Google does not forget the testimonies of Neri Livne and Oshrat Kotler about Alex Giladi) who used their power To gain “consent”, which is never a substitute for “will”.

For the avoidance of doubt, there is no room for comparison between Asi Ezer and Harvey Weinstein & Co. Given and no further complainants, this is ostensibly a one-time case. If this is the case, it is a pity that Ezer was quick to use the services of experienced communications consultants, for their expensive and cold methods. Like it or not, Asi Ezer is a sensitive and eloquent person, and it would have been better for all parties if he had chosen to use his words to tell his large fan base what happened that night at his house.

It is possible that contrary to the counselors’ advice, Asi could have added some small expression of remorse, if not to the deeds then at least to the fact that an innocent person has been around the world for a decade with such a hard feeling because of that sharp encounter My time. In any case, there is no criminal matter here, and public opinion is in favor of it. To Asi’s credit, he has helped dozens of charities and helped people in need, some published, some not. He is a famous, strong and revered man. He’s not perfect either, like the rest of us. Taking responsibility for actions he has done in the past will not hurt his branding as a national mummy, maybe even the opposite, it will make him a little less talented, and a little more human. Asi Ezer believes he is a good person, that is his truth, and in my life that I believe in him. I wish he could prove it even without washed polygraph investigations.

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