Therefore, the government will not open up any more

The government eases the infection control measures, but there will be no release. The wave of infection is not possible to stop and the government therefore retains several measures to curb the peak of infection and prevent the health service from kneeling.


We still have to live with strict restrictions after the government at a press conference on Thursday night announced a stop to drinking after 11 pm, recommends green level in upper secondary schools , still home office – and major changes in the quarantine rules.

– Even though we are now opening something up, we still have to take into account that we live in a pandemic with a very serious virus, says Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre and adds that the measures have worked, and that they have managed to keep the pressure acceptable on the health service.

– Our job now will be to ensure that the infection does not increase so quickly and so much so that the health and care services are overloaded due to many patients and high sickness absence. This means that we can release something, but not release it completely, says Støre, who points out that FHI is very clear that the peak of infection is ahead of us.

The government believes that the changes contribute to more can live normally, even though there is a lot of infection in the community. On 1 February, it will make a new, comprehensive assessment of the measures.

– Retaining control is in everyone’s interest, Støre believes.

In an interview with VGTV, Støre pointed out that there have been fewer hospital admissions in recent weeks, even though there has been a record high infection.


The Conservatives are now asking the government to consider the corona passport as an independent measure.

– We still call for the government to do the groundwork and submits a proposal for consultation on the use of a corona certificate as an independent measure. Today, it is only possible to use a certificate to facilitate measures.

This is what the health policy spokesperson in the Conservative Party, Tone Wilhelmsen Trøen, says in a press release after it became clear that the government is easing on several measures.

Both the Minister of Health and the Prime Minister say that the corona certificate for use at events and restaurants is up for consideration and that the case has been sent to the trade unions.

– We have assessed it, and will consider it in the future as well, said Minister of Health Ingvild Kjerkol when asked about the introduction of corona pass.

It appears in the health authorities’ professional basis that FHI will not recommend the use of a corona certificate as a preventive measure in Norway.

The leader of the Christian People’s Party, Olaug Bollestad, also expresses joy over the relief, but believes that the opening may affect children to a greater extent than adults.

– Because the government emphasizes that the yellow level can be maintained while the liquor ban is lifted nationally. This is a ambiguity I am terribly disappointed with. The consequence may be that alcohol is prioritized over children in the municipalities, says Bollestad in a press release on Thursday night.

– Tolerate being infected

Minister of Health and Care Services Ingvild Kjerkol emphasized that they must do everything they can to provide predictability to business, the health service and others.

– We hope that the omicron wave is the last. Here we must actually endure being infected, said the Minister.

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