These are the top-selling games and consoles in the US in December

December is the most important month of the year in terms of video game spending. People just want to play games over the Christmas and New Years holidays, either for themselves or as gifts; and there will be more hardware sales than ever before. Now, NPD, which tracks US video game sales, has revealed the best-selling games and consoles in the US in December.

Not really shocking, this list is headed by Call of Duty: Vanguard, but considering the fact that it was included in Xbox Game Pass from day one , we thought some might be surprised to see Halo: Infinite come in second. As usual, NPD doesn’t get any data on digital sales from Nintendo and 2K Sports, which, if included, would likely change the results of the list slightly.

  1. Call of Duty: Vanguard
  2. Halo: Infinite
  3. 《Pokémon Crystal Diamond/Bright Pearl》*
  4. Madden NFL 22
  5. Battlefield 2042
  6. Mario Kart 8
  7. Spider-Man: Miles Morales
  8. Mario Party Superstar *
    “NBA 2K22″*
  9. “Assemble! Animal Crossing”
  10. “FIFA 22”
  11. Super Smash Bros. Special Edition*
  12. “Being a God of Creation”
  13. “Polar War Cry 6”
  14. Just Dance 2022
  15. Forza Horizon 5
  16. “Marvel Interstellar”
  17. “Ghost of Tsushima”
  18. “Super Mario 3D World*
  19. The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild”*

=Digital sales not included

In terms of hardware sales in December, Nintendo was again the winner with the most sales figures, followed by the Xbox Series S/X in second and Playstation 5 in third. On Twitter, NPD analyst t Mat Piscatella also revealed that the best-selling accessory of the month was Xbox Elite Series 2 Wireless Controller.

Was there anything in the sales chart or hardware section that surprised you?

Thank you Neogaf

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