They assure that Stefi Roitman maintains a conflictive relationship Marlene Montaner: the details

Juan Etchegoyen revealed the bad relationship that would exist between the actress and her mother-in-law.

Monday, January 10, 2022 hs

The marriage of Ricky Montaner and Stefi Roitman brought a lot to talk about since its announcement and now that the celebration is over, new details have been revealed behind the scenes. According to Juan Etchegoyen, strong versions appeared about the strained relationship that Stefi Roitman has with Marlene Montaner , his mother-in-law.

“There was a positive case of coronavirus from Marlene’s best friend and pay attention to this: beyond marriage, they tell me that there is tension in Stefi and Marlene’s relationship,” he began by saying the journalist in Pairings , the new program of America , driven by Sabrina Rojas and Tucu López .

After Juan’s words, Débora D’Amato , who also works on the show, brought up the controversy that broke out after family photos came to light from the wedding day in which you can see that Marlene got dressed in white, going against all traditions. “That woman, the mother-in-law, wore white at her wedding. I adhere to your motion, ”said the panelist.

Then, Etchegoyen continued to reveal information that came to him regarding the conflictive relationship between Roitman and Montaner’s wife and assured that the model launched a forceful phrase in the middle of the wedding against her husband’s mother . “What’s more, someone told me and I put it into potential, but someone told me that at one point during the party Stefi said: ‘even here I have to bank this kind of thing, even at my wedding,” said the panelist .

Stefi Roitman y Ricky Montaner junto a la familia.
Stefi Roitman and Ricky Montaner with the family.

The journalist of Miter Live also commented that in addition to the confidentiality contract that they made Roitman sign before the wedding so that he does not leak any details to the press, they also made him sign a prenuptial contract . “When you get into the life of the Montaners, you find yourself with these types of contractual ties permanently,” said Etchegoyen.

D’Amato, who was thinking about the controversial wardrobe that Marlene Montaner chose for the wedding, criticized her again saying: “It is tremendous that she is wearing a white dress to her son’s wedding . When you marry, you marry the family. ”

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