They denounce the disappearance of a 14-year-old girl in Havana

A 14-year-old teenager from Havana has been missing since Friday morning and her family and friends are asking for help on social networks, after filing a complaint with the police.

Yenys Laura Pedroso Ramírez left her house at 7:40 am, located at 457 Destrampes street between Carmen and Patrocinio, in the municipality of 10 de Octubre.

The girl was on her way to school but it never came. Her mother reported her disappearance on the same Friday afternoon, but as of Saturday morning she had received no response.

The opposition member Ángel Moya Acosta, husband of the leader of the Ladies de Blanco, Berta Soler, shared the event on her social networks, since she is a friend of the minor’s family, as Yenys Laura is the niece of Daniel Salcedo, a former political detainee.

“Salcedo adds that More than 30 years ago, a sister of the father of the disappeared girl also disappeared and the police never gave an answer, and she is concerned that the behavior of those in charge of investigating will repeat itself,” Moya specified in the post.

In recent times, several disappearances of minors have been reported in Cuba.

Some end with a happy ending, such as that of an 11-year-old girl living in the La Palma neighborhood , in the capital municipality of Arroyo Naranjo, which appeared safe and sound after her mother reported her missing last December.

In statements to CiberCuba, the mother explained that her daughter was kidnapped by a 24-year-old man who lives in another popular council in the same municipality, and that she found her herself thanks to some friends who gave her a clue as to her possible whereabouts.

Other children have been lost for months, amid the desperation of their relatives.

This is the case of Yosvany Villar Ávila, 14 years old, whose mother asked the ruler Miguel Díaz-Canel for help to recover him.

“I have lost my child for a year and I want my president to help me look for him, please help me Díaz-Canel,” Airovis Ávila wrote last week on his Twitter account.

Airovis commented to CiberCuba that the authorities only ask you to wait. The minor apparently disappeared from his home while he was playing in the Havana neighborhood of Luyanó, on the morning of December 11, 2020. Since then, the family has not been able to obtain any information on his whereabouts.

Do you have something to report? Write to CiberCuba:

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