They increased the premiums of our Paralympians

The Minister of Youth and Sports Andrey Kuzmanov fulfilled the commitment made to the Bulgarian Paralympians to increase the financial awards for awards from the Paralympic Games. The amendment to Ordinance No. 5 of October 29, 2019 on the criteria, conditions and procedure for awarding athletes, coaches and officials is a fact and as of today the draft for public discussion is published on the website of the IMC and on the Public Consultation Portal. is one month.

The Minister of Sports Andrey Kuzmanov is committed to changing the Ordinance immediately after the end of the Paralympic Games in Tokyo. He held meetings with medalists Ruzdi Ruzdi and Hristian Stoyanov, as well as with representatives of the Bulgarian Paralympic Federation. Kuzmanov quickly took the necessary actions to satisfy the desires of the native paraathletes for a more dignified reward for their success, which raises the prestige of Bulgarian sport.

“The Olympic Games are the most – the highest sports forum and the successes achieved at the Games are the peak in the career of every athlete. That is why my team and I made this change, “said Minister Andrey Kuzmanov.

According to The change in the amount of prizes awarded by the MMC for prize rankings at the Paralympic Games has been increased from 20% to 64% of the prizes for prize rankings at the Summer and Winter Olympics. The ordinance enters into force on January 1, 2022. The increased amount of prizes for athletes will also lead to an increase in those of coaches and officials involved in the training of athletes.

Under the current Ordinance No. 5 of 29.10.2019 for the criteria, conditions and procedure for awarding athletes, coaches and officials, the premium for Paralympians is 20%, and for world and European championships – 64%.

” The submitted proposals are reasonable and necessary in order to achieve optimal fairness in determining the bonuses of athletes who have achieved prize rankings at the Paralympic Games, commensurate with their achievements. to be established in compliance with a certain proportionality and correlation with the one-time cash prizes of athletes – medalists and winners of the Olympic Games. the most significant achievements in the most prestigious international forum for athletes with disabilities, thus stimulating athletes raising the prestige of Bulgarian sport “, are the reasons for the change in Ordinance No. 5.

The project does not envisage the spending of additional funds from the budget of the Ministry of Youth and Sports. The funds needed for the payment of the prizes, as a function of the competitions held on the international sports calendar, will be provided in the budget of the IMC.

This is the first amendment to Ordinance No. 5 of October 29, 2019 for the criteria, conditions and procedure for awarding athletes, coaches and officials. The cash prizes of the paraathletes for world and European championships are kept in the same amount. Within one month for public discussion, all federations, clubs and stakeholders can make suggestions.

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