They kicked her off the plane for removing her mask and now she asks for 10 million dollars

A woman who alleges that she was forced to leave the plane in which she was going to travel to Washington from Palm Beach because she took off her mask several times claims the airline responsible for this flight 10 million dollars as compensation.

Local media echoed the lawsuit filed by Mediora Clay Reading, 68, against Southwest Airlines, before a New York court.

Una pasajera es echada de un avión por negarse a usar el tapabocas.

A passenger is kicked off a plane for refusing to wear a mask.

The local channel of CBS on the Palm Beach area points out that the lawsuit alleges that flight personnel kicked Clay Reading off the plane because he constantly took off his mask to drink water.

The passenger said, according to the lawsuit, that she needed to drink water frequently due to a picture of heart problems, severe hypoglycemia, claustrophobia and fainting, all of which triggered when she got down mask.

The woman was kicked off the plane

According to the lawsuit, after a long conversation with a flight attendant about her problems with the mask, Clay Reading was forced to leave the plane.

The plaintiff was left “confused, shaking, crying, unable to breathe through her nose, and hyperventilating,” the lawsuit says.

Mediora Clay Reading, de 68 años, le pide U$S 10 millones a Southwest Airlines.

Mediora Clay Reading, 68, asks for US$10 million from Southwest Airlines.

The media tried unsuccessfully to obtain a reaction from the company, but received no response.

Protocols to avoid contagion of covid-19 during flights have triggered an increase in incidents and violent events on aircraft.

En 2021, la Administración de Aviación Civil de EE.UU. recibió en total 5.981 reportes de las aerolíneas estadounidenses sobre pasajeros rebeldes.

In 2021, the Aviation Administration US Civil received a total of 5,981 reports from US airlines about unruly passengers.

In 2021, the US Civil Aviation Administration (FAA) received a total of 5,981 reports from US airlines about unruly passengers, of which which 1,081, that is, 183 more than in 2020, deserved an investigation that led to 350 legal actions.

Agencia EFE.

Look also

Las brujas de la noche, las pilotos que fueron la pesadilla de Adolf Hitler



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