They murder a teenager in El Cobre, in Santiago de Cuba

A Cuban teenager barely 15 years old, identified as Daniel Vega, was murdered on Wednesday night with a knife in the town of El Cobre, in Santiago de Cuba, according to the rapper and activist reported on social networks of the Patriotic Union of Cuba (UNPACU), Omar Sayut Taquechel.

“Today is a very sad day for the inhabitants of El Cobre, in Santiago de Cuba. The young man in the photo is Daniel Vega, affectionately known as ‘Danielito’, much loved by all who knew him for his skill as a striker on the soccer fields of that town. Unfortunately last night he was stabbed to death “, wrote Taquechel on Facebook, where he shared several photos of the victim.

Omar Sayut specified that the suspects in the murder are in custody, although he did not offer further details about the alleged perpetrators of the crime, nor did he refer to other circumstances related to the fact.

“In some of the photos they see Danielito accompanied by a person, that person is his father whom I respect and admire a lot,” added the UNPACU activist, who sent his condolences to the family of the murdered young man.

“I would not like to say goodbye without first reminding and advising young Cubans that violence between us is not worth it, because the one who suffers and suffers from the consequences of our actions is the family. God illuminate your path wherever you are, Danielito ”, he concluded.

In the comments to the publication, friends and family confirmed the news and were dismayed by the loss.

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