They said goodbye to one player, Serbian legionnaires want to return

13. Jan 2022 at 16:00 I Paid content

Olympia Bobrov wants to end the season in the first half of the table

Tomáš Ferenčík - redaktor / MY Orava

Futbalisti Bobrova chcú po sezóne skončiť v prvej šestke. Bobrova footballers want to finish in the top six after the season. (Source: Tomáš Ferenčík)

On Friday, January 14, the seventh unit IV. League North, SK Olympia Bobrov. “It simply came to our notice then. We are sorry that not all matches were according to our ideas, but this is how sport and we have to count on it. There were light and dark moments, but in the end we evaluate it as successful. “Said the head of the Orava club Martina Slovíková after the autumn.

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Bobrova footballers are the farm of the second-league MŠK Námestovo, which is why they set higher goals. “Although we may have imagined autumn differently, I think that seventh place is a perspective for the next matches in the spring. I believe that the boys will fight for a place in the top six, “said coach Jozef Parížek after the middle of the season.

Arrivals and departures

Z of the original staff, Olympia Beaver cannot count on one football player. He said goodbye to the players and the implementation team at the end of the calendar year. Martina Slovíková

Learn more

Which player did they say goodbye to?

What former players want to come back?

Will coach Jozef Parížek continue?

What will the match schedule look like

Where will the winter training take place

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