They said, “There is no chance of survival”! She survived the operation in the womb

10.01.2022 – 10:59Update: 10.01.2022 – 10:59

Rarely seen “amniotic band syndrome” in Mersin Elif Vera baby, who was called “no chance of survival” due to the cords wrapped around her body, was born healthy approximately 5 months after the surgical operation performed in the womb when she was 16 weeks old

'Yaşama şansı yoktu' Anne karnındaki operasyonla hayata tutundu'Yaşama şansı yoktu' Anne karnındaki operasyonla hayata tutundu

They said “no chance to live”! She survived the operation in the womb

Hayrunnisa and Mehmet Polat couple, who live in Tarsus, Mersin, were dreaming of holding their second child in their arms, while they were diagnosed with “amniotic band syndrome” (the baby’s swimming in the womb) in the hospital they applied to.

Doctors found that the amniotic membrane filled with amniotic fluid entangled or stuck in the baby’s hand, foot or head. She stated that there was no chance of survival due to the “band” (membrane) and asked for the pregnancy to be terminated. The Polat couple, who watched the news of a family who was in their own condition and their baby was born healthy, contacted a doctor in Antalya.

It was stated that there was a risk and that even if he was born, he would be born without his right arm. Despite this risk, Kumru and his team cut the cords that were entangled in the unborn baby with special devices. After this surgical intervention, the Polat couple experienced the happiness of holding their baby girl who was born healthy at the 37th week of pregnancy.


Hayrunnisa Polat said that she had a very difficult time as a mother. Stating that she was very tired both physically and mentally during the process, Polat stated that her baby was in good health. Polat stated that they named their baby Elif Vera and said: “At first, I was very afraid, what will happen. Now we have no problems, our baby’s development is good. After the birth, I couldn’t hold my baby right away. She stayed in the incubator for a week. When she was born, I only heard her voice. When I went to the incubator, I felt different emotions. I cried a lot when I held her in my arms. I was happy, a different happiness. Being a mother… Both she is worn out and me. This is our miracle. We are very happy. We should not say that we are a baby. She also has a soul and a soul. By Allah’s leave, such a beautiful thing was born.”


Father Mehmet Polat stated that his wife’s baby was diagnosed with “amniotic band syndrome” during her routine controls and that He said he was very sorry about the situation. Stating that they had a difficult time, Polat said that when the diagnosis was made, they were told that the pregnancy should either be terminated or they had to take the risk of the baby being born with a disability. We didn’t make a decision right away. We wanted to hold our child in our arms no matter what. It’s a bad feeling. We don’t want it to happen to anyone. We had a tiny chance, we went to Antalya for hope. The order of surgery was very troublesome. It took about 3 hours. I was very worried about my wife and daughter. Selahattin said that when he came out of the operation, the operation was successful. After that, the 24-hour period was very difficult. We went to the control. Our teacher said that there was nothing to be afraid of. We were relieved at that time. We were very happy. We did not experience such problems with our first child. We waited for our second child with curiosity. His arm How will it be, how will the surgery go? Stating that her 5-month-old daughter is healthy at the moment, Polat said, “Our baby is in good health as if it was a normal birth. One arm is a bit passive, but there are doctors we talked to. They say, ‘It will pass too’. I would like to thank our doctors very much” he said.


Prof. Dr. Selahattin Kumru also stated that when the “band” is wrapped around the umbilical cord, as the baby grows, oxygen will not pass through the cord, so the children are lost. Expressing that there is no blood flow from the arteries, Kumru noted that the baby’s arm that wraps around the “band” is three times smaller than the other arm. we entered. We cut the tape that went around his umbilical cord and his elbow several times. The baby was born healthy. He said that he only needs physical therapy due to the limitation of movement in his right hand. Stating that the birth is seen in one in 3-10 thousand, Kumru said, “It is generally recommended to terminate the pregnancy for those who are like this case. After the family was advised to terminate the pregnancy, it was truly a miracle that they intervened in the womb and took their babies in their arms in a healthy way.”

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