Mais de 5.600 voos foram cancelados pelas companhias aéreas de todo o mundo, no fim de semana de Natal, face à propagação da nova variante do vírus SARS-CoV-2, a Ómicron, segundo dados do 'site' FlighAware. Só este domingo, até às 13:40 (hora de Lisboa), registavam-se quase 2.500 cancelamentos de voos, 850 dos quais com origem…
Navigation for News Categories Another large multi-million dollar data centre is being developed in Auckland. The need for reliable, local cloud delivery will become increasingly business critical, the chief executive of DCI Data Centres says. (file pic) Photo: 123RF DCI Data Centres (DCI) will build a data centre on a 5-hectare site in north Auckland,…
Финландия обяви във вторник, че забранява влизането за чуждестранни пътници, които не са ваксинирани срещу COVID-19. Мярката цели да помогне на страната в борбата ѝ срещу варианта Омикрон. От тук нататък чужденци ще могат да влизат във Финландия само ако имат отрицателен тест за COVID-19 и едновременно с това могат да докажат пълна ваксинация или…
The strange knock-on effect of supply-chain bottlenecksAT THE START of 2020 Green Lung, a London heavy-metal act with a cult following, were about to go on their first American tour. Then came covid-19. The band used ensuing lockdowns to produce a second album, “Black Harvest”. By December it was recorded and ready to be mastered…
Niger’s post-coup military rulers have demanded in a statement seen by AFP on Wednesday that the United Nations coordinator in the West African country leave Niger within 72 hours. The foreign ministry said in the statement dated Tuesday that the government had ordered Louise Aubin, the UN’s resident and humanitarian coordinator, “to take all necessary
The demographics tell an exciting story: we're likely to see hundreds of thousands of small owners looking to retire over the next decade. Does the big question then become what will happen to all those companies?One possibility is that we might see a boom in opportunities for younger people to acquire those businesses. Maybe you…