Thinking of working in the UK? The rules for Australians are changing

Key Points
  • The Australia-UK free trade agreement will come into effect in just a few weeks time.
  • After a two-year period, tariffs on almost all Australian exports will be scrapped.
  • Working holiday visa rules will also be relaxed after the same period.

A historic free trade agreement between Australia and Britain will come into force at the end of the month after an extended process pushed back by leadership instability in London.

Under the deal, there will be no tariffs on almost all Australian goods exported to the United Kingdom and more Australians will be eligible for lengthier working holidays in the country.

In two years’ time, the agreement will also relax working holiday visas for Australian and British citizens working across the two countries.

This will include raising the age limit for the visas from 30 to 35 years, and extending opportunities to stay up to three years.

Tariffs scrapped

The agreement following Brexit will strip taxes on billions of dollars worth of goods, including beef, sheep meat, dairy and sugar.

It will come into effect on 31 May.

After a two-year period, there would be no tariffs on 99 per cent of Australian exports to the UK, which are worth some $9.2 billion.

The same would apply to UK products arriving in Australia.

The deal will also allow Indigenous Australians to receive royalties when their artwork is resold in the UK.

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese wearing a suit and tie and talking inside. There is an Aboriginal flag behind him.

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese said eliminating tariffs on goods will have a positive impact on our economy. Source: AAP / Darren England

Farmers have welcomed the news as the “win we have been waiting for”.

“The promise of quota tariffs being eliminated now and in the near future is like fertiliser for our economy, and a relief for farm businesses struggling with rising input costs,” National Farmers’ Federation chief Tony Mahar told AAP.

Winegrowers are also raising a glass to the agreement coming into force, with the UK regarded as Australia’s second-largest export market.

“For wine, the agreement will see the elimination of import tariffs on entry come into force,” said Lee McLean from Australian Grape and Wine.

“The tariff elimination represents a saving of approximately $50 million per year for the Australian wine sector,” he said.

Anthony Albanese hopes agreement will help in inflation battle

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese said the agreement was about greater market access for Australian businesses.

He said slashing tariffs would also lead to products becoming cheaper, which would then put downward pressure on inflation.

“So the imports that we get from the UK, if you cut the taxes and cut the tariffs, then they are by definition cheaper and that will have a positive impact on our economy,” he said during a visit to an Australian-themed restaurant in London’s Paddington.

British High Commissioner to Australia Vicki Treadell addresses the National Press Club in Canberra.

British High Commissioner to Australia Vicki Treadell said the benefits of the free trade agreement will be felt as early as June. Source: AAP / Lukas Coch

The UK high commissioner in Australia said the benefits will flow through as soon as June.

“So there should be an immediate impact on a number of goods coming into each other’s country,” Vicki Treadell said.

Ms Treadell said other aspects of the agreement such as the mobility visa changes could take a little longer given they require legislative change.

She added the next step would be to boost two-way investment.

“Our consumer base is huge, and the potential for yet more excellent Australian produce, products going into the UK, there will be a huge appetite.”

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