This $42 trick from a viral TikTok has people losing their minds

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I have been spending too much time on TikTok lately. But I have definitely come to terms with my addiction. Also, I actually have a good excuse for spending so much time in the app. Sure there are plenty of fun videos to enjoy, but that’s not the reason. In fact, I don’t really spend any time at all in TikTok for pleasure — although I must say, there’s some seriously great content on TikTok these days… people are getting so creative! The actual reason I spend such an obscene amount of time in TikTok is that I’ve discovered that it’s a gold mine. I’ve been finding all sorts of cool products as well as nifty tips and tricks that you really don’t come across anywhere else. Now, there’s a portable projector TikTok trick that you definitely need to check out.

Portable projector TikTok trick

BGR Deals readers have been enjoying the fruits of my labor over the past few months, and that’s why I can’t quit TikTok anytime soon. You definitely need to check out my latest find as well, because it’s definitely one of the best.

A viral video on TikTok recently revealed a brilliant trick that instantly teleports you practically anywhere in the world. All you need is a simple mini projector on Amazon, and two best-selling models are on sale right now with deep discounts. You can pick up the #1 best-selling PVO YG300 Pro Mini Projector for $69.99. Or, the Elephas Mini Projector that’s almost as popular is down to just $44.99 thanks to a clippable coupon!

In its first week alone, more than 2.3 million people viewed TikTok user Nam Pham’s awesome viral video. Now it has been viewed tens of millions of times. How crazy is that? When you take one look at it, however, you’ll instantly realize why this nifty trick has been shared all across the internet. It’s brilliant!

Here’s the video:


Gonna use this now if I want to relax and chill #relax #projector #chill #aquarium #clock #rain #fakewindowchallenge

♬ nhạc nền – ʜɪᴍ – 𝙷𝚒

As you can see, this portable projector TikTok trick is awesome. Pham has a bare wall next to his bed. You can of course use any wall in any room, not just a wall in your bedroom. Then, with a cheap little projector, Pham beams all sorts of different scenes onto the wall next to his bed. The first example in his TikTok is an aquarium scene, but things get really cool after that. He projects a window view onto his wall. It’s like he’s instantly transported to the tropics!

All you need to pull this off yourself is an empty wall and an inexpensive little projector. The PVO YG300 Pro Mini Projector is the #1 best-selling option and it has 7,500 5-star ratings. It’s on sale right now for $69.99. Or get the Elephas Mini Projector for an all-time low price of $44.99.

For scenery, here’s a direct link to the free tropical view YouTube video from Pham’s TikTok if you want to try the same one on your wall. That YouTube channel has plenty more great options for window view videos, and you’ll find countless more if you search.

What an awesome trick!

PVO YG300 Pro Mini ProjectorPrice: $69.99Amazon Prime logoBuy NowAvailable from Amazon, BGR may receive a commissionElephas Mini ProjectorList Price: $49.99Price: $44.99You Save: $5.00 (10%)Amazon Prime logoBuy NowAvailable from Amazon, BGR may receive a commission

Go here to see this month’s best deals on Amazon!

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