This Compact Car Vacuum From ThisWorx Is Just $12 Today at Amazon

A car is a pretty big investment, so you’ll want to make sure you’re taking steps to keep it in good shape. There are plenty of washes and waxes for the exterior, but the interior needs some attention as well. A handheld car vacuum is perfect for clearing out all the crumbs, dirt and debris that build up over time, and right now you can snag one for a great price.

Amazon has the ThisWorx car vacuum available for just $12. It regularly sells for $33 and sometimes as much as $40 with today’s price being a new all-time low. This lightweight tool is a cost-effective way to help keep your car’s interior clean and tidy without having to break out a heavy home vacuum or find a place in town to clean your car. Keep in mind, however, that this offer expires tonight. 

This handheld ThisWorx vacuum weighs in at just 2.4 pounds and comes with its own travel case, so it’s small enough to stow under the seat and take with you just about anywhere. Whether you’re dealing with dust, ash, debris or crumbs, this mini-vac is a great option for quick cleanups. 

It plugs directly into your vehicle’s 12-volt outlet, and has a 16-foot cord so you can easily reach all the way to the trunk. It boasts 106 watts of cleaning power, and it’s equipped with a removable HEPA filter to help trap any allergens. The entire kit also comes with a set of attachments, including a flathead, a brush nozzle and an extender, so you can clear out all those hard-to-reach nooks and crannies as well.

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