‘This Is Jim Crow 2.0’: Rep. Clyburn Slams Election Integrity Laws, Defends Biden’s Divisive Speech

Democratic South Carolina Rep. Jim Clyburn appeared on “This Week” Sunday and defended President Joe Biden’s speech in Atlanta on voting laws, stating that it did not go too far and was not unpresidential, despite serious pushback from all sides for it’s divisive language.

When asked whether he felt Biden’s fierce tone was counterproductive, Clyburn replied, “Absolutely not,” rejecting Democratic Illinois Sen. Dick Durbin’s assessment that Biden had gone “a little too far” comparing lawmakers to segregationists. (RELATED: Biden Calls For Ending the Filibuster To Pass Election Laws)

“This is Jim Crow 2.0. That was one of the strongest points of the president’s speech that I agree with. So, this whole notion, when you walk around and no one has ever discriminated against you because of your skin color or you have never had to worry about having your vote counted, you can have those kinds of statements. But you’re talking to one who knows a different history in this country. And that’s exactly what these laws are, Jim Crow 2.0.” (RELATED: This Is Jim Crow In The 21st Century’: Biden Releases Statement On Georgia Election Bill)


Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell rejected Biden’s speech calling it “profoundly unpresidential” and divisive. “Twelve months ago, this president said we should see each other not as adversaries, but as neighbors. Yesterday, he called millions of Americans his domestic enemies. Twelve months ago, the president called on Americans to join forces, stop the shouting, lower the temperature. But yesterday, he shouted that if you disagree with him, you’re George Wallace. George Wallace,” McConnell stated.

Peggy Noonan of the Wall Street Journal also had some harsh words for Biden’s speech. “The speech itself was aggressive, intemperate, not only offensive, but meant to offend. It seemed prepared by people who think there is only the Democratic Party in America, that’s it, everyone else is an outsider who can be disparaged. It was a mistake on so many levels. If a president is rhetorically manipulative and divisive on a voting-rights bill it undercuts what he’s trying to establish the next day on Covid and the economy.”

President Biden’s poll numbers reached an all new low this week, according to a Quinnipiac University poll with 53% of Americans saying they disapprove of the president’s performance on key issues including the economy, COVID-19, and foreign policy. When asked about how Joe Biden can recover, Clyburn replied, “Well, you keep pressing — keep pressing on.”

“If Joe Biden had quit after he lost those first two races — three races, he would not be where he is today. I tell people all the time, “three strikes and you’re out” is a baseball rule. And he — he should not live by baseball rules. He didn’t live by baseball rules then, he’s now the president. He is going to keep pressing. He’s going to keep moving forward,” Clyburn concluded.

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