This is the helmet to sleep well and rest that the American army subsidizes

Few things are more important to human beings than adequate rest. In the United States they know this and are creating a device that will help their fighters have a deeper and more restful sleep.

Adequate sleep also encourages our brain to be more active and to solve problems more easily . A rested brain is, in short, an organ that gives more of itself.

The United States Army has decided that its men must have minds and fit body , so they need not only to exercise, but also to sleep in the best possible way.

To do this, they have begun a series of investigations to create a device that improves the quality of sleep and will do so in the form of a headband / helmet.

All this is This is because in 2012 science made great advances in the field of the glymphatic system . This is dedicated to “cleaning” our brain during the period of deep sleep, using cerebrospinal fluid.

In fact, has been associated in different related studies with Alzheimer’s that interruptions in sleep may be related to this type of degenerative disease . Therefore, the glimfático system is important for our brain to be in shape.

A job that needs the best experts

With these studies, the United States Army has promoted an investigation with Rice University , to create a type of device that can measure intracranial fluids while sleeping .

The final objective of this collaboration is the creation of a helmet that can manage the functioning of the glimfático system in order to clean the brain effectively.

The director of the Institute of Biosciences and Bioengineering of Rice, Paul Cherukuri, has confirmed that the army has made this request . To do this, they are going to start using different sensors that can measure the flow of brain fluids such as electroencephalograms, orbital sonograms or ultrasound pulses.

According to the scientists, this research could result in that helmet that can manage intracreneal flow. It would help the military, but also patients with sleep disorders , especially those with degenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s.

The army has made a budget for the first year of 2.8 million dollars . It is expected to be a project that can be extended in time and the team is eager to see how far they can go with this investigation.

If they succeeded, could be closer to eliminating certain types of stress in combat . In addition, the research could result in an important advance in the field of sleep, which has many unknown areas, even if we spend a third of our lives sleeping.

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