This Matrix wallpaper is just what your mobile needs


Personalize your mobile screen as the most incredible Matrix background of the moment. You can choose the color, the speed of the codes, their size…

The red or the blue pill? To have this amazing Matrix wallpaper on your mobile you will not have to choose, in this article we explain how to obtain it without having to make such a complicated decision. The mythical saga starring Keanu Reeves has recently returned to theaters with Matrix Resurrections, so that we take advantage of the fact that it is once again a topical issue to recommend this wallpaper.

Specifically, this is not an image that you can easily download to set as your home screen or wallpaper. lock screen. We are talking about an application that is even better, because it allows you to choose aspects such as the color, size or speed of the codes. Pay attention to these latest data, because we have already advanced the main element of this Matrix wallpaper.

This Matrix wallpaper is just what your phone needs

As we said, you must download an application on your mobile to be able to enjoy this wallpaper that we are talking about. It’s called Matrix Code and, as you’ll see when you enter its Google Play Store page, has a price of 3.99 euros . This is the amount you must pay to be able to download it to your mobile and thus be able to install the wallpaper based on the popular film saga.

We know that this is a considerably high price for some wallpapers, so we recommend that you use your money from Google Opinion Rewards so you don’t have to spend anything out of pocket. If you are not yet subscribed to this Google service, you should know that, in exchange for answering some surveys, it offers you an amount of money that you can later use in the app store.

Whether you bought Matrix Code with your money or Opinion Rewards balance, you’ll be interested to know what you can do with the app. Well, this one allows you to set an animated wallpaper in which some very common elements appear in the saga: computer codes. These will slide from top to bottom of the screen, although you have the option to configure the size, color and speed at which they scroll.

The best wallpapers for your mobile

Once the application is downloaded, you can set the wallpaper from the app itself or from the settings of the mobile. That’s how easy it is to personalize your phone with the Matrix aesthetic. Before choosing, you already know that it is interesting to analyze the application well to get to know in depth all the editing options that it offers you. Also, you should keep in mind that live wallpapers consume more battery power than static ones.

Themes Related: Backgrounds of screen, Personalization

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