This relaxing particle app is like controlling a Winamp visualization with your fingers

There are applications that are tools for specific purposes and others that are not very clear what they are for, but still succeed. Triple A belongs to the latter group, being a relaxing particle simulation application in which there is not much to do apart from putting your finger on the screen and enjoying.

Its creators, SungLab, have several similar applications on GooglePlay. Triple A is the combination in one app of three effects Art Wave, Art Particle and Art Gravity. Relaxing music and particles that react to your movements and change color progressively: what more could you ask for.

Visualizations that come to life


Sometimes all you need in life is to open an app that displays an explosion of 15,000 particles with different effects. It is an artistic application that is complex on the inside but simple on the outside. As a user you do not have a specific objective, except to entertain yourself as you prefer.

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The app plays relaxing piano music (which you can turn off if you want) and the rest is taken care of by your touches on the screen. The particles react to movements on the screen, distinguishing up to five fingers at a time. To give it a more zen touch, the particles change color. You can see an example in the following video:

Initially you start with the first effect (Art Wave), although you can change to the other two (Art Particle and Art Gravity) from the settings, accessible with a button in the lower right corner. There are other parameters that you can adjust such as the number of particles, their size and their length . If you don’t feel like doing anything except watch, you can activate the Auto Play mode , which moves by itself.

The effect is somewhat reminiscent of the visualizations of Winamp or Windows Media Player and, although it is a very peculiar concept, the idea seems to have been liked. It has more than 5 million downloads and an average rating of 4.6 on Google Play.

Triple A

Triple A

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