Three “Science” published together, scientists have a new understanding of the incidence of cancer

Many cancers are related to genetic mutations, so many scientists are also looking for the causes of cancer at the DNA level, exploring which abnormalities in the DNA can cause cancer. But this perspective on cancer may be out of date. Today, “Science” magazine published three heavy research papers in one breath, allowing us to transcend DNA and develop a new understanding of cancer . “This is a new way of cancer research.” Professor Nevan Krogan, who co-led these studies, said excitedly.

Researchers pointed out that our genes are just a guide for cells to synthesize proteins. It is these proteins that really play a physiological role in the human body. Different proteins sometimes combine with each other in the body to form complexes and regulate various functions. Gene mutations cause diseases, largely because they affect the function of these proteins. “=””color=>

This view allows us to better understand how cancer occurs. For example, in the body, there are two proteins that form a key complex to repair damaged DNA. Once the genes encoding these two proteins appear What kind of mutation, the structure of these two proteins may change. If these changes prevent them from interacting, they will not be able to form a protein complex to repair DNA. “=””color=>

It is conceivable that over time, the damaged DNA in the cell will accumulate more and more, and eventually qualitative change will occur, causing cancer.

In this case, can we based on the understanding of known cancer-causing mutations, Focusing on the interaction of proteins, how about re-understanding the occurrence of cancer? This is exactly what the team does.

First, they found nearly 60 most frequently changed genes from head and neck cancer and breast cancer, and analyzed their proteins What kind of complex the product can form. At the same time, researchers also used complexes in healthy cells as a comparison. In this way, we can know exactly what changes have occurred in these protein complexes in cancer cells. “=””color=>

in head and neck cancer (also the sixth largest in the world) In malignant cancer), scientists have revealed a total of 771 protein interactions, of which 84% are new discoveries. These discoveries have Help us understand whether anti-cancer drugs can work. For example, the common cancer-related protein PIK3CA will bind to HER3 receptor tyrosine kinase, and different mutations will affect the combination between the two. So although the drugs are all aimed at HER3, some mutations on PIK3CA will make the drug effective, and other mutations will make the drug ineffective. “=””color=>

In addition, a new type of protein interaction has also attracted the attention of scientists-they found that FGFR tyrosine kinase 3 also interacts with Daple protein, which activates downstream pathways and promotes the metastasis of cancer cells. This brings new treatment ideas, such as inhibiting cancer metastasis through FGFR inhibitors. “=””color=>

And in breast cancer, among the protein interactions they found, there are also 79 % Is a new discovery. Interestingly, it is also a common PIK3CA mutation. In breast cancer, scientists have discovered that it can also bind to two other proteins. This also shows that even the same cancer-related protein has different functions in different cells and activates different signal pathways. “=””color=>

In addition, the researchers also discovered that the common breast cancer-related protein BRCA1 interacts with A protein called UBE2N binds. This discovery is expected to let us know whether the current class of breast cancer treatment drugs will work.

These details can tell us how effective the existing drugs are, or explain why the drugs do not work. ” said Professor Trey Ideker, another leader of these studies. “=””color=>

In order to better serve the entire cancer research field, researchers We integrated the data of these protein interactions with the data in the public database, and constructed a brand-new tool for other researchers to analyze and verify. They believe that this tool is promising Let us better understand the role of oncogenes/proteins and find potential therapeutic targets. “=””color=>

We also hope that these scientific breakthroughs can be transformed and applied as soon as possible to benefit more cancer patients!

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