Tidco Centre of Excellence signs MoU with CSIR

Updated – June 25, 2024 at 10:44 PM.

The MoU will facilitate mutual sharing of expertise, domain knowledge, and available facilities in mutually agreed research areas between CSIR-CSIO and TIDCO’s CoEs

To strengthen its commitment towards the Industrial research and commercialisation of technologies, Tamil Nadu Industrial Development Corporation (TIDCO) Centre of Excellence (CoE) on Tuesday signed MoUs with the Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR) through its constituent laboratory – Central Scientific Instruments Organisation (CSIR-CSIO), Chandigarh and its regional centre at CSIR Campus Taramani, Chennai.

TIDCO through its Industrial Centres of Excellence (CoEs) – TANSAM, TANCAM, and TAMCOE, in association with Siemens, Dassault Systemes and GE Aerospace respectively, at a total project cost of ₹600 crore, have been successfully enabling Innovation, Industry 4.0 adoption and supporting the State’s Advanced Manufacturing Capabilities amongst, Industry, Academia, MSMEs, Startups, and the government agencies. Spokes of the centres are also being created at various Academic institutions across the state to make the rich expertise and technologies available at these CoEs, within the reach of the students for their capacity building and bridging the gap between the Academia and Industries.

The MoUs will facilitate mutual sharing of expertise, domain knowledge, and available facilities in mutually agreed research areas between CSIR- CSIO and TIDCO’s CoEs, says a release.

Some of the key areas would be Engineering, Biomedical Application, Instrumentation, Control Systems, Industry 4.0, Energy Management, Material and Physical Sciences, Intelligent Sensors and Systems, AI development, Micro and Nano Optics, Calibration, CRTDH for Solar PV System testing and certification, 3D Modelling and Printing, Virtual Twin Technology, Innovative and Additive Manufacturing, drone design, composite modelling, robotics development, Reverse Engineering, Digital Twin (Smart Factory), IOT, Digital Technology, and any other areas of common interest, towards its application in industrial sectors.

The MoU will also facilitate TIDCO’s CoEs to undertake joint research with CSIR–CSIO units, leading to development of new technologies with IP creation as well as to undertake technical consultancy projects, Conducting feasibility studies, pilot projects, and validation of prototypes/technologies developed indigenously, including in-field evaluation, as well as deployment/ demonstration in an industrial environment.

The MoU will further strengthen the interaction between the TIDCO’s CoEs and CSIR-CSIO with the Academia, MSMEs, start-ups, scientists, engineers, and research scholars and Industries through various joint activities and initiatives, the release said.

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