TikTok Launches ‘Be Cybersmart’ Campaign to Help Improve Online Security Awareness

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As part of Cybersecurity Awareness Month, TikTok has launched a new ‘Be Cybermart’ campaign, which aims to help users learn more about online security, and avoiding scams and hackers online.

I mean, the acting is not exactly top notch, but that’s not really the point – the idea of the campaign is to raise awareness of key cybersecurity threats, and to get TikTok users to consider the various elements that could compromise their account security.

The new push will see TikTok share a range of tips via its @TikTokTips account.

As explained by TikTok:

“The series will feature TikTok creators and employees, including TikTok Chief Security Officer Roland Cloutier and moderately successful touring comedian @alex_falcone telling tales of cyber crimes and how to #BeCyberSmart.”

It could serve as a good reminder to get TikTok users to improve their security processes, which, as we increasingly rely on online tools for all aspects of our day-to-day activity, is an important element, and will become even more so in future.

Indeed, as the pandemic inspires a new shift towards working from home, cybersecurity also needs to become a bigger focus. Already, there’s a strong argument that digital literacy, and safety, should be built into every school curriculum, and as more activities are linked back to our online identities, and scam activity also evolves with those shifts, the need for such education is only becoming more pressing over time.

As such, it’s good to see TikTok making a bigger push on this element, which, given its popularity among younger audiences, could have a big impact.

In addition to the new video tips series, TikTok is also working with The National Cyber Security Alliance (NCSA) to facilitate further education and interest in cybersecurity initiatives, which includes its partnership with the NSCA on its Cybersecurity Education and Career Resources Library.

That, ideally, will help spark more interest in cybersecurity careers, while TikTok is also now a chief sponsor of the annual Cyber Games, helping to provide more support for cybersecurity education.

Again, this is a key element in our evolving digital society, and by tapping into TikTok’s popularity, that could be a good way to maximize awareness of cybersecurity threats, and get more users interested in related careers.


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