TikTok star divides opinion after saying she demands a man’s bank information on the first date

A TikTok star has divided opinion after she revealed her controversial first date move.

Whether that’s seeing how they interact with the waiter, or see who pays when the bill arrives, there’s a whole host of scenarios that could reveal potential red flags.

However, Sofia Franklyn has copped a bit of heat after explaining what she has done on the last spate of first dates.

In a recent episode of her podcast where she was interviewing Leo Skepi, she revealed: “I’m not joking, I’ve asked the last three dudes I’ve dated for their bank account info on the first date.”

Skepi wondered what her intention was behind that in case there was a less obvious motivation.

However, Franklyn was pretty up front about her intentions.

“I only want to date a wealthy guy that has money,” she said.

Leo called her move ‘valid’ because she’s just ‘getting straight to the point’.

Sofia added: “I think, you know, I have a job. I’m very successful. So I think I have every f**king right to be like, ‘Hi, are we on the same level, or am I wasting my time?’”

On her TikTok video, she called her dating technique ‘just being efficient’ and you best believe that sparked a lot of conflicting views in the comments section.

One viewer wrote: “Some things we shouldn’t say out loud.”

Another added: “Not sure love comes in the form of a dollar bill but at least ur straight forward.”

A third went in with a slam dunk: “In short ‘I need you to earn more than me because I think I’m wealthy but I’m not really’. The irony of wealth is someone with it, wont look for it.”

A fourth quipped: “Absolutely 300% agree! You deserve to have a man on the same level as you!”

Others said this is another reason why they shouldn’t let just anyone have a podcast.

You won’t have everyone agreeing on a topic like this but one man asked if Sofia would care if men started doing that to women and whether it would be okay for them to say no to a second date purely on that aspect.

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