Timothy Shalame – a new movie legend is set

T estate Hal Shalame was born on December 27, 1995 in New York. His mother, Nicole Flender, is a real estate agent and former Broadway dancer, and his father, Mark Shalame, is a UNICEF editor. Timothy is half American and half French. He has an older sister who is also an actress.

Brian Adams – the living legend of rock

Graduated from high school in music, arts and acting. During his training, Timothy participated in several musicals. In high school, he met Madonna’s daughter, Lourdes. He enrolled in cultural anthropology at Columbia University, but interrupted to have more free time for photography. His idol in cinema is Joaquin Phoenix.

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As a child, Timothy starred in several commercials and short films. He made his television debut in an episode of the series “Law and Order”. In 2014, he made his film debut with a minor role in the film “Men, Women and Children”. Later that year, he played Matthew McConaughey’s son in Christopher Nolan’s Interstellar.

For three years, Timothy participated in the preparation of the film “Call me with your name. ” For his role he learned Italian and played the piano. He co-starred with Army Hammer in the film. For his role, Timothy received Golden Globe, BAFTA and Oscar nominations for Best Actor. He became the third youngest actor since 1939 to be nominated for an Oscar for Best Actor.

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Followed by roles in the films “The King”, “Lady Bird”, “Beautiful Boy”, “Little Women” and Woody Allen’s film – “A Rainy Day in New York”. This year, the film adaptation of “Dune” is released, where he plays a major role.

The wonderful “goodbye” to a legend

Shalame is considered one of the most talented actors of his generation. In 2018, he entered the Forbes list for 30 under 30. The following year, Vogue declared him the most influential man in fashion. In 2020, GQ presents him as the best dressed man in the world.

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