To fight against the vacancy of housing, A. Montebourg proposes that the State buy them back

The idea is surprising. The ex-PS presidential candidate Arnaud Montebourg proposes that the State buy back the “ million ” of vacant housing in the countryside and reallocate them free of charge to households wishing to access

Invited on RTL to discuss some of his proposals to increase the purchasing power of the French, the former president of the general council of Saône-et-Loire declared that this idea is “ a policy of regional planning “. He took the example of initiatives carried out in Italy of the South and which know “ a phenomenal success ” .

“Too low wages”

He thus affirmed that, on the one hand, millions of French “ want to change their life but cannot do it because they have too low wages “, and on the other hand, that “there are a million goods vacant in the territories “. This is why he proposes that the State “ buy them back, with an agency, with the local communities, and allocate them free of charge to anyone who is not already an owner, which allows access to the property“.

However, this comes with a counterpart. The new owners will have to renovate the property at their own expense, thus causing “ more activity for the artisans, more population in villages and small towns, new businesses, because all these people want to change their lives. professional “, and perhaps allowing schools” to fill up “. The former socialist, who congratulated himself on having “ exceeded ” the 150 promises of sponsorship for the presidential election, however did not specify the cost of this program. 3.1 million homes were considered vacant in France (excluding Mayotte) in 2020, according to INSEE. A figure on the rise since 2006 even if this increase “ has diminished over the last few years “.

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