Token||Traxx™ Announces First Milestone of 2022, the Hotly Anticipated Sale of Its Network Tokens

Token||Traxx will launch its network token on the 14th March 2022. The tokens will be available for purchase and will enable users to create, acquire and sell music-related NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) using the Token||Traxx™ marketplace.

Co-founder and renowned music producer TommyD, who has worked with Kanye West, JayZ and Beyonce and sold more than 60 million units worldwide, declared:

“I am excited that Token||Traxx has reached this milestone of the journey. The token will underpin our entire ethical ecosystem, driving our shared vision of an inclusive and sustainable Web3 where music and crypto combine.”

Music artists and fans who want to ensure they are first in line to access to the Token||Traxx platform and explore the functionality and benefits of the Token||Traxx marketplace may register their interest and request further information by signing up for the guestlist at

The Token||Traxx network token will be generated on Ethereum to maximise exposure and will bridge to the high-performance, high-security blockchain, Zilliqa, on which the marketplace will be built.

Revolutionising music discovery and engagement through NFTs

The founders believe that the TokenIITraxx platform and marketplace will forge a new way to create, curate and collect music using NFTs, enabling true creative freedom in music with the use of proprietary NFT technology and distributed storage.

Token||Traxx is being developed by music industry leaders who understand what drives artists’ creativity and the benefits of having a community of independent minds,

“As founders, our mission is to empower artists to easily tokenise songs, albums, and merchandise, thereby revolutionising the way fans engage with the artists they love,” said co-founder Miles Leonard, an ex-Chairman of Parlophone Records/Warner Music and credited with signing and breaking artists including Gorillaz, Coldplay and Tinie Tempah.

“I’ve always found artists are very loyal when you give them the freedom and space to be creative. They have a desire to imagine new dimensions to their music, to attract new audiences and build their brand and following. Token||Traxx is a community that supports and encourages that,” Leonard added.

“Massive community interest”

“The founders know that there is massive community interest for ethical, sustainable and inclusive NFT music offerings,” said co-founder and CFO, Brian Elders.

“The founders will be making further detailed announcements next month to keep our community updated on this project’s token generation and launch process. The founders know that music, NFT and crypto enthusiasts are ready to become a part of a community of ambitious, visionary backers and founders building the future with their own skin in the game,” summarised Elders.

Additional expertise includes Richard Zijlma, who ran the Amsterdam Dance Event (ADE), the largest electronic music festival in the world for 20 years. Tim Gentry, the former Global Revenue Director of The Guardian and Marco Bertozzi, ex-Vice President at Spotify, who has recently joined the board of advisors.


Token Traxx Music Limited is not a regulated entity. Ownership of the tokens carries considerable risk and should not be contemplated by anyone who does not have specific knowledge of the use, purpose and transmission of tokens. This Press notification is not an offer to sell or promote the sale of tokens. Token Traxx tokens will be unregulated and will not be sold as an investment. The sale of tokens when it occurs will be subject to satisfactory compliance with all laws and regulations relating thereto and to purchasers entering binding contractual terms. The use of the Token Traxx platform and participation in the marketplace and use of the Token Traxx token to engage with the functionality provided by the platform and marketplace will be subject to separate terms and conditions.

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