Tokyo 24th Ward Ep 4: Release Date, Discussion, and Watch Online

The Gourmet Festival began in episode 3, titled “Here Today, Gone Tomorrow,” and Maririn couldn’t find her special ingredient. Shirakaba managed and found some ingredients for Maririn to use.

RGB found out that Tarki threatened Shirakaba to win the GourFes, but their plans didn’t work out at the festival. Asumi called the trio and warned them of a calamity that would bring causalities.

RGB couldn’t save everyone, and Shirakaba lost his life. In the end, a mysterious figure broadcasted that the future choices of the twenty-fourth ward will be given by them.

What will the events of Tokyo 24th Ward show us next as Shuuta, Ran, and Kouki choose the future? Let’s find out as we bring you the latest episode updates of anime.

Episode 4 Discussion

Tokyo 24th Ward brings a mysterious modern twist to its viewers, and everyone is on board to see what lies for the protagonists. The episode brought an unexpected twist at the end and revealed a possible foe.

Even though RGB is back together, more events are approaching them, no doubt. Will the trio be on par with the future they need to choose? Is Carneades the one messing with RGB using Asumi’s name?

Fans speculate that the new foe could be an organization experimenting on the twenty-fourth ward, and Asumi is trying to counter the aftermath caused by it. The next episode will show RGB investigating further into Carneades and their whereabouts.

With RGB trying to figure out Asumi’s sudden call, they keep looking for answers. Let’s wait for what this modern sci-fi and mystery anime bring us in the next episodes.

Episode 4 Release Date

Episode 4 of the Tokyo 24th Ward anime will be released on Wednesday, Jan 26, 2022. The episode title or preview has not been shown.

1. Is Tokyo 24th Ward on Break This Week?

Episode 4 of Tokyo 24th Ward will be released as per schedule. No such delay has been announced.

Episode 3 Recap

This episode starts with everyone getting ready to go to the Gourmet Festival. Maririn finds the main ingredient out of stock in the market. Kouki later spots through the crime detection that Yabusame has stored away a special cabbage in the market.

Ran tries to break open to take away the cabbages, but Kouki objects to doing anything illegal. As RGB argues, Shirakaba calls them and tells them he has the cabbages for Maririn. With Maririn getting her ingredient, she prepares for her Mari-Special item.

RGB do their best to bring in customers at the Itadaki stall to help Maririn take the lead. Kozue checking on social media on the GourFes, decides to visit it. Later as Mon Jungle isn’t taking the lead, Tarki of Yabusame appears and states the outcome is already in their favor.

RGB finds out from Chikuwa that Tarki threatened Shirakaba to win the GourFes and take over Takara Shopping Street. As the ballots are weighed, Shirakaba reveals Mon Jungle’s foul move of putting extra weight in the box.

With the festival going well, RGB gets a call from Asumi. Asumi gives them a vision that shows a tornado appearing at the GourFes. She then states there are two choices – save the weaker people in a safe container or save the stronger people by an escape route.

The trio makes preparations to handle the situation. Kouki and Ran tell Shuuta to free the bridge for people to escape freely. Kouki strategically makes the crowd move for evacuation to the bridge. Ran uses his hacking skills to bring in containers to save people.

Kouki and Ran’s plan clashes at the bridge, causing a roadblock. As RGB argues, Shirakaba stops it and motivates them to work together with the adults.

While evacuating some people, Shuuta spots Kozue stuck in the storm. Shirakaba goes with difficulty and grabs hold of her.

Shuuta uses his physical power-up to grab both of them safely. A car crashes between them, and Shirakaba gets separated. Knowing Shuuta cannot move further, Shirakaba lets go and gets taken by the tornado.

After the incident, RGB found that their choices caused Shirakaba to lose his life and others’ lives too.

In the hospital, a broadcast shows up, and a masked person reveals himself as Carneades. He states he will entrust choices for the future to the twenty-fourth ward.

Watch Tokyo 24-ku on:

  • Watch On Funimation

About Tokyo 24-ku

Tokyo 24-ku is an upcoming original anime by CloverWorks which is scheduled to air in January 2022.

The anime takes place on an artificial island floating in Tokyo Bay, named “Kyokutō Hōreigai Tokubetsu Chiku” (Far East Special District Outside of the Law), nicknamed “24th Ward.” The manga centers on three childhood friends born and raised on the island: Ran, Koki, and Shuta.. But their relationships will change dramatically after a certain incident.

At a memorial ceremony one year after the incident, the three happen to meet again. They receive a phone call from a dead friend urging them to choose their futures.

Originally Written By Epic Dope

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