Tom Brady And Robert Kraft Embrace Before TB12 Return To New England

Tom Brady Hugs Robert Kraft … Before Bucs Face Patriots

10/3/2021 4:07 PM PT

Tom Brady and Robert Kraft clearly have no bad blood … ’cause the Bucs quarterback and Patriots owner just shared a moment in the bowels of Gillette Stadium, hugging it out before the team’s battle on Sunday Night Football.

TB12 will play his old team — in New England — for the first time since bolting for Tampa Bay before the start of last season.

Many football fans wondered what the interaction between Brady and Kraft and Bill Belichick would be like… would there be hard feelings or a warm reaction?

A few hours before kickoff, Tom and Robert met up in a back hallway, spoke briefly, and embraced each other before going their separate ways.

#Patriots owner Robert Kraft caught up with Tom Brady outside the #Bucs locker room. Gave him a big

— Ari Meirov (@MySportsUpdate) October 3, 2021 @MySportsUpdate

Of course, the Bucs won the Super Bowl last season — Brady’s 7th — while his old squad struggled without him, going 7-9 with Cam Newton at the helm.

During the week leading up to tonight’s game, Belichick — who reportedly had tension with Brady during his last years in NE — was extremely complimentary of the G.O.A.T.

Despite the reported beef, Brady seems happy to be back, posting about returning to Foxborough on social media earlier Sunday, saying … “Good to be back”

Kraft previously said the Pats plan to honor Brady before what’s become the most anticipated game of the 2021 NFL season.

Brady — a 6th round draft pick of NE in 2000 — played 20 seasons with the Patriots … winning 3 NFL MVPs and 6 Super Bowls with Belichick and Kraft.

Tom Brady and Robert Kraft

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