Tomorrow… it's raining at intervals

The National Center of Meteorology expects the weather tomorrow to be dusty and partly cloudy to cloudy at times, especially over some northern and eastern regions and the sea, with a chance of rain at intervals, and winds are light to moderate in speed, active at times, causing dust and dust, especially with clouds.

Wind movement: southeasterly / 15 to 25 up to 40 km / h.

The waves in the Arabian Gulf are turbulent. The first tide occurs at 12:12 and the second tide at 02:45 and the first islands at 19:52 and the second islands at 06:44.

In the Sea of ​​Oman the waves are moderate to turbulent with clouds.. The first tide occurs at 08:36 and the second tide is at 22:34 and the first islands at 15:36 and the second islands at 04:19.

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