Tony Bennett Was Playing Piano Just Days Before Death: The Last Song He Sang Revealed

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American Singer Tony Bennett In London Anthony Dominick Benedetto Better Known As Tony Bennett (born August 3 1926) Is An American Singer Of Popular Music Standards Show Tunes And Jazz. Bennett Is Also A Serious And Accomplished Painter Having Created Works A Under The Name Anthony Benedetto A That Are On Permanent Public Display In Several Institutions. He Is The Founder Of Frank Sinatra School Of The Arts In New York City. Raised In New York City Bennett Began Singing At An Early Age. He Fought In The Final Stages Of World War Ii As An Infantryman With The U.s. Army In The European Theatre. Afterwards He Developed His Singing Technique Signed With Columbia Records And Had His First Number One Popular Song With 'because Of You' In 1951. Several Top Hits Such As 'rags To Riches' Followed In The Early 1950s. Bennett Then Further Refined His Approach To Encompass Jazz Singing. He Reached An Artistic Peak In The Late 1950s With Albums Such As The Beat Of My Heart And Basie Swings Bennett Sings. In 1962 Bennett Recorded His Signature Song 'i Left My Heart In San Francisco'. His Career And His Personal Life Then Suffered An Extended Downturn During The Height Of The Rock Music Era. Bennett Staged A Remarkable Comeback In The Late 1980s And 1990s Putting Out Gold Record Albums Again And Expanding His Audience To The Mtv Generation While Keeping His Musical Style Intact. He Remains A Popular And Critically Praised Recording Artist And Concert Performer In The 2010s. Bennett Has Won 17 Grammy Awards (including A Lifetime Achievement Award Presented In 2001) And Two Emmy Awards And Has Been Named An Nea Jazz Master And A Kennedy Center Honoree. He Has Sold Over 50 Million Records Worldwide. 
American Singer Tony Bennett In London Anthony Dominick Benedetto Better Known As Tony Bennett (born August 3 1926) Is An American Singer Of Popular Music Standards Show Tunes And Jazz. Bennett Is Also A Serious A...

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Tony Bennett passed away on Friday (July 21) at age 96, a few weeks shy of his birthday. Shortly after the world learned that the voice behind “I Left My Heart In San Francisco,” “Blue Velvet,” and countless other classic songs had been silenced, his team shared some details about his final days. “Tony left us today, but he was still singing the other day at his piano,” the @ItsTonyBennett account posted while sharing a throwback photo to Tony’s early career. “His last song was, ‘Because of You,’ his first #1 hit,” the team added. “Tony, because of you, we have your songs in our heart forever.”

“Because Of You” was written by Arthur Hammerstein and Dudley Wilkinson in 1940. First recorded by Larry Clinton and his Orchestra, Tony took a crack at the song in 1951, making it his first professional single. The song reached No. 1 on the Billboard charts and spent ten weeks at the top position. He would find his way up to the top again with “Cold, Cold Heart,” “Rags to Riches,” and “Stranger in Paradise.” He would also enjoy a lengthy career, finding success with albums Duets, Duets II, Viva Duets, and his albums with Lady Gaga Cheek to Cheek and Love For Sale.

Many stars immediately mourned Tony following news of his death. “He was also one of the nicest human beings I’ve ever known,” said Billy Joel. “His music has always made me feel at home and safe,” said Kelsea Ballerini. “He’s irreplaceable. I loved and adored him,” said Elton John.

(Larry Marano/Shutterstock)

“I had good teachers at the American Theatre Wing when I came out of the service after the Second World War,” he told Billboard in 2016. “They told me how to survive and taught me how to take care of myself and to be myself and try not to imitate any other singers. They always insisted I just be myself, and I’ve maintained that throughout the years. I just love the fact that in an era where everything’s based on youth, I can communicate with everybody — the young, the middle-aged, and the old like me. I’m very content.”

In 2016, Tony went public with his Alzheimer’s disease. When his wife, Susan Crow, spoke with AARP Magazine about his condition, she recalled how Sean Connery had lost his ability to communicate due to dementia before his death at age 90. “I’m hoping for that with Tony,” she said. “Hopefully, he’ll just go to sleep one night, and that will be that. I’m hoping and praying that he won’t take a turn for the worse that’s really crazy bad. … There’s a lot about him that I miss. Because he’s not the old Tony anymore. But when he sings, he’s the old Tony.”

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