Torito in CDMX: why do we say this to the Administrative Sanctions Center

We all know the cousin of a friend who ‘fell’ in El Torito in CDMX. There are even those who swear that the Christmas and New Year’s menus are delicious, but why do we know the Center for Administrative Sanctions and Social Integration as Torito ?

Let’s start with the history of this site.

First you should know that the Center for Administrative Sanctions is 63 years old. Adolfo Ruiz Cortines, then president of Mexico, and Ernesto Uruchurtu, head of the Federal District Department at that time, inaugurated El Torito in CDMX on October 28, 1958 .

This Center, the only one of its kind in Mexico City, is located at the intersection of Aquiles Serdán Avenue and Lago Gascasónica Street, in the San Diego Ocoyoacac neighborhood , of the Miguel Hidalgo Mayor’s Office.

“According to popular references, in the land occupied by the Center a trail previously worked, which is why they imposed the nickname of El Torito ”, Indicates the website of the CDMX Penitentiary System.

But, that is not the only nickname that the Administrative Sanctions Center has.

Another of the nicknames of the Center is “El Piojito” , due to its proximity to the Colonia Huichapan Market , although very few people know him by that name.

According to the capital authorities, El Torito in CDMX has an area of ​​1,730 square meters and capacity to house 124 people (72 in the men’s area and 52 in the women’s area).

3 reasons why they can take you to El Torito

The main reason why they refer a person to El Torito in CDMX is for failing the breathalyzer test ; However, there are other reasons.

According to the site of the Penitentiary System , another reason is to ingest alcoholic beverages in unauthorized public places.

You can also be referred to El Torito for preventing or hindering in any way the use of the public highway, the freedom of movement or action of the people, provided that there is no permission or just cause or due to contempt of a judicial mandate.

The people who are referred to El Torito alone can stay for a maximum period of 36 hours .

During that time , they can be given assistance and medical attention, Social Work, psychology and pedagogy. This is done in order to combat the causes that cause income for violation of the Civic Culture law, the Traffic Regulations.

In addition, in El Torito they give talks on alcoholism, drug dependence, HIV / AIDS , with staff from this Center and with external groups that provide their support, such as Alcoholics Anonymous, Human Values, etc.

When a person is in the Center for Administrative Sanctions and Social Integration, they can receive visits. Visiting hours are from Monday to Friday from 3:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Saturdays, Sundays and holidays it is from 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Take into account that you can enter only with an identification Official with updated photograph.

Another recommendation is to go accompanied because there is no parcel area or security for visitors.

Note: This article has been indexed to our site. We do not claim legitimacy, ownership or copyright of any of the content above. To see the article at original source Click Here

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