Toss Bank’s interest rate and limit are favorable, but… Persistence question mark


ȫ 佺ũ ǥ 5 ¶ ڰȸ “佺ũ `ο` ǰڴ” out.

3 ͳ 佺 ũ 5 ‘ο’ ϸ ߴ. ̷Ν īīũ, ̹ũ Բ ͳ ġ ̴.

ȫ 佺 ũ ǥ “ʿ ܼ ǰ ϰ ְ ϰ ڴ” ߴ. ͳ ġϰ ߱ ݸ.

佺 ũ о ߿ ߽ о.佺 ο ſ򰡸 ߡ ſ 34% ø ǥ. ׵ īī̹ũ ߱ ݸ ǰ Ҵ ٸ, 佺 ũ ϳ ſ ǰ ſ ڴ ߡ ſ, ڿڸ ȴ´. ݸ 2.76 ~ 15.00%. ְ ѵ ٸ ͳ ຸ 27000̴. μ 佺 ũ ͻ̾ “1ǿ ޱ ̵ 30% ̻ 佺 ũ ſ ̿ ȴ” ߴ.

īīũ ̹ũ մ ޾ ߡ ſ. īīũ ο ſ򰡸 ߰, 8 ſ 500 뵵 û ִ ‘߽ ſ ÷’. ̹Ũ ̴ ߡ ſ ġ ڸ ִ 縦 Ѵ. īīũ ̹ũ ߡ ſ ǥġ 20.8%, 21.5%.佺 ѵ ݸ ٸ ຸ  ̷ ؼ ˰ μ ִ.

ǰ ̰ ִ.佺 ũ ͳ  ó ſī Ѵ. ǥ ǥ “ſī 忡 Ļ ǰ Ȯϰ (Һ ڿ) ϴ ִ” “̼ ȹϱ ο ʱ ܰ Ǹ ߴ” ߴ. ̸ ‘Ǵ’ ͸ ſ򰡸 ȭϰ ڴٴ ȹ̴. Ũ īīũ 2017 ſī ΰ ް ڴٴ ǥ ٰ ȹ öȸ ߴ.

佺 ũ ǰ Ÿ ȭȴ. Ũ ǰ ſ ǰ, ī 带 1. ‘佺 ũ’ ݾ װ Ⱓ 2% ݸ ִ ǰ̴. ڱ ‘ϱ’ ‘ܵ’ ” پ Ȱ ִ. ǰ. Ũ 佺 ũ Żǰ δƮʴ “A ǰ 25, B 40 ſ 뵵 ǰ () ǰ ϰ ǰ Ⱦƾ ߴ” “佺 ũ ȸ ְ ޴´” ߴ. üũī Ŵ ִ 46500 ش. Ũ ݸ ѵ ٸ ͳ ϸ. īīũ ݸ ſ ѵ 5000 (߽ ſ 1) ٿ, ̳ʽ ߴߴ. Ѵ ſ ְ ѵ 15000̴.佺 ũ ‘ҵ ̳’ ޱ, ѵ ѵ 27000 ִ ̴.

ٸ 佺 ũ ̸ ̴ ѵ ȴ. Ũ 佺 ũ 5000 ϶ ǰ ߴ. 1δ 5000 ޴´ ٰ ص Ұ 1 ִ.

̳ 佺 ũ û ڸ 116 ̸. Ũ ⿡ ڱݴ ô 㺸 ⵵ ̴.迡 2% ݸ ִ ɼ ǹ ϱ ⵵ Ѵ. 佺 ũ ݸ ϱ ƴ ٴ ̴. ̿ ǥ ̿ “2% ݸ ٸ ຸ, ݸ ũ ƴϰ ִ”.

[̻ ]
[ ϰ &, ]

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